Fire, funeral, wedding, camping...

In this last week I went to both a funeral and a wedding, the wedding was nicest of course. Sunday evening we asked are friends to the park. They came and we played kickball my team did pretty good this time, we were 7 to 7 then 8 to 8 right before we left. I'm not sure who won.

We had a small fire in a upstairs closet today. Nothing much. A few cloths were singed and the walls are a darker cloror but OH WELL. The fire trucks and such were here but it took them awhile, I could ride my bike faster then that! My amazing Dad put it out before they got here. But well there were here choping a hole in the closet Alicia was climbin' around, she fell and turned rather green. They wanted to take her to the hospital for NO particularly smart excuse. But everyones fine.

We may or may not go camping this week, I hope so!


(Imported from HomeschoolBlogger.)