Has you can see I have a new template. I'll teke the time to explain it. First the large "Four Children" picture. I made it. And the One Blog picture, I saw that on someone elses blog, so I made my own picture but same words. Then theres a "I am Kris" picture. It's Lassaraleen in the picture, the third hand is Aravis's. I blur'ed her out. Next to that picture is my profile, I added some new things to it so why not read it? Right under that is a counter from Amazing Counters. Then under the resent posts section theres a butterfly girl, fantasy like. What I like to write, and read! Thats from Bigoo. Scroll down. I have a bunch of new links in my link section, check them out. Under them is a link to a Guest Map please sign it. I got it from BraveNet. Scroll down. New friends! YEah! Keep going down. You'll see 4 pictures, On goes to my group Narnia Clan and one goes to my other group, GOWC. The third one goes to my PhotoBucket, tons of great graphics there. And the third one goes to my Mum's site. I have space there if you would like to I can put up a picture to advertise something for you. Just comment me about it and we'll work it out. The ticker is counting the days till Prince Caspian comes out I don't know the actual date so just picked a day right before Summer 2008. The problen is the words are black and the background is black. :-( Then theres Narnia Music, and a clock. The Music Video is called So Long Self ~~ MercyMe I'm going to change it to Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree ~~ MercyMe around Christmas time. If you would comment me your favorite songs that would be nice. Then theres my bloging type and my German name. Then all the way down theres a picture I made. I like the quote there quite alot, but you'll notice that it will sometimes cover the other pictures and things, the more comments and the less likely that it will get that way. And theres also "Don"t die a copy" picture, thats a order to all you out there!
So if you have a site for me to advertise, or a song you like, please comment them to me. THANKS! Also if you know of somewere were I can get a subscribe box then please let me know! And more any other sites were I can get junk for my blog please let me know! Comments? Construction Critisim? Death Threats? (Theo would say that.)
I'm havin' a contest!!!!! Cleopatra!!!!! No looking up the answers!!!!! If you must look them up wait atleast a day after you"ve looked them up before commenting them. Also I"m going to post a small bio of Cleo after the contest, when I anonce the winners. There will be one first place and one Honerable Mention. The prize is ANY artwork my me!!! Narnia or otherwise if you can send me pictures to use. You can choose what it will say and all! Also it will be yours to keep! Credit is nice but has it"s a prize totally unnesicary.
1. How many people did Cleo marry? Or act like she was married to?
2. How did they die?
3. Did she have children by them?
4. If so how many? What were there names?
Have fun!
At home right know there is nothing to say.
(Imported from HomeschoolBlogger.)