Mood: Good
Howdy hi ho everyone! Gotta new template! Mum told me I could get GIMP on this computer, because I just couldn’t wait until the other one got fixed/replaced. The picture up in the corner there is a picture of me. I went out with one my little brothers and my little sister Cleo to picked dandy lions (the funniest way to spell it). Then set about making a crown out of them. It had like 50+ dandilions in it, I counted. My brother instead went about "clippering" his finds. I took a picture of it and decided to make a header out of it. I spent a good deal of time on it, and I think I made my hair too red…I really don’t look much like the picture. And yes, this template is still Narnian because the words on my forhead are "…feirce Mapcap girls…" a quote from Prince Caspian.
My Nweb friends seem to reconize me in there in the picture, but my sister didn’t. I’m not to crazy about all the pink/orange/red colors for posts and sidebars. Ah well…
My NarniaWeb T-shirt came today! I was going to wait till the 16th to were it, were it in celebration. But I just couldn’t wait, so I’m wearing it now. It looks so cool! My sisters say black looks good one me, but I don’t care. My hair really get’s in the way of the picture part on my back. Which is the funniest part. But that’s the price you pay for long hair.
Went out and played a short round of kickball with my sisters. My team won, but that might have been different, after the last inning, but we only got two of them before Mum called us in to do a short cleanup before Dad got home from ball practise. My team won! Under me (captain) I had a 11, 7 (or is she eight?), and (I think) 5 yo. All the same, a great game. Very fun, first one of the season I belive.
"HAVING large families should be frowned upon as an environmental misdemeanour in the same way as frequent long-haul flights, driving a big car and failing to reuse plastic bags, says a report to be published today by a green think tank."
The news today, is that weird or what? Think about it if people don’t have children what is going to happen? huh? Huh? Huh? Mum and Dad have eleven children, what I would do to see those people swallow that! I love seeing people trying and swallow it! ‘Tis fun!
"…would be to have one less child"
One less child, that would mean just ten kids, and that would be without my little 4 month old brother, very sad, very sad.
–The rest of the report from the Idiot Squad
Okay, something else happened tonight, read on.
Highlight the following to read, read at your own risk. (Now you can’t say I didn’t worn you).
Mum as been cleaning the laundry area these last few days, but tonight she sweeped everything out, cleaned out under the washer, under the dryer, and called us to pick up the pile. So were cleaning it up and all of a sudden my sister goes "A mouse!" It was dead and really dead, it was like just a skeleton and like totally petrified. My other sister really freaked out, turned kinda green too. But I thought it was actually pretty cool. I mean a mouse, petrified, things like that don’t bug me, disecting animals is really rather cool in my mind. But yeah…the exciting story of the day.
(Imported from HomeschoolBlogger.)