Mood: Tired
Grr! *types the post out again* Touch crazy touch pad, I hate you with a passion!! (Well, today I do.)
After three "when on earth are you going to update" complaints I found something to talk about. Something I haven’t had for…’bout a month now.
Well, new template, I make alot of these. I don’t like stareing at the same thing everytime I open the page. They new header took a small amount of work, Unsharp Mask, color layers, Motion Blur…etc. I used just any old font for that very normal font. "Enchanted Praire Dogs" for the first letters, "The King & Queen" for the fancier words on the right, and "Valerie" for the tiny text on the left. The tiny text reads, sneak peek people, listen up!, "If nothing less, never run races with a broken leg, never arm wrestle with a sprained wrist, these are only common laws. Murphy should adopt them." And there’s your peek into the world on nonsense tinytext.
As for the rest of the template, after much work it finally did what I wanted it to do. I’m happy.
May I send you all too Cauldron Pool? It’s got three new large updates! Particularly good ones too.
I was out all day yesterday, it was fun. I climbed the rock wall twice, went on the "Tubs Of Fun" twice, the seats-that-go-around-machine once, and the "Purple People Eater" once. I’m such a kid. My sisters kept going for the bungee jump, to me the line was so not worth it. (And they are even beganning to regret it.) I saw 33Miles (hence the new banner)!! They’re good singers. I saw GoFish as well, they aren’t very good in my most humble oppinion. And they can’t sing the National Anthem. I think it sounds best with a guy’s deep voice. They didn’t have deep voices. The only person I can think of that really did a good job of it was Billy Ray Cyrus. I heard him sing it once before a sports game Dad was watching. There were fireworks, and very good fireworks. (And I’m a spoiled fireworks watcher too, so that’s quite a bit comming from me.) After the fireworks we looked around for our Mother who was supposed to come and get us (she had taken the little ones home a couple hours earlier). It was quite dark, so we discided to hang out under a streetlight. So that we could be seen. We stood there talking for about 10 minutes before we relized that Dad was standing there watching us. He had parked a good many blocks away (didn’t even enter the parking lot) so we got out and were home before most people. My Dad is so smart.
So yes, it was cool. Slappin’ good day.
(Imported from HomeschoolBlogger.)