A Tribute To My Dad
My Dad is over 50, husband for almost 25 years, father of 11, a hardworker, a technican, a cook, a chaffeur, my Dad is many things, my Dad is mine.
My Dad is fun to watch, how the muscles in his face work trying to keep from laughing right out at his (crazy) children. And then letting it out when asked "what’s so funny?" Watching his brow furrow as his mind works on a problem.
One way that my Dad loves us is he bothers to teach us the correct way to eat, and keep healthy. He is a health nut. It’s somewhat amazing when your foot is swollen and he has, there, ready, dandilion root tea for you to drink. Or when you’ve got a sunburn and he suddenly pulls out a huge tank of aloe.
Exodus 20:13 Thou shalt not kill.
This includes not taking care of your body, killing yourself.
My Daddy reads, once he read us Les Miserables, every evening he reads scripture to use every evening, and prayed with us before he went to bed.
My Dad is brave, old, a Christian, loving, strong, truthful, quick-witted, and quickminded.
Exodus 20:12 Honour thy father and thy mother.
Dad, you probebly will never read this, if you do, I hope I have honoured you with it. I hope you know I love you, and know it daily.
(My inspiration to honour my Father in such a way came from the knowledge that there is actually a "Tribute To My Dad" contest going on. See BlogBoy, JocelynDixon, or SuperAngel’s blogs to learn more.)
(Imported from HomeschoolBlogger.)