"I have no idea, are you sure he's dead?"
"He'd better be. They're going to burry him Thursday."
Well, my church is holding a Talent Night, everyone gets up and displays their talent, or their budding talent, depending. I am pretending my talent is writing, and my sisters and a few friends are pretending to be actors. I'm also displaying my director skills that aren't actually there. I found a humorious skit in a book and massively edited it...three times. The last time was finished about 20 minutes ago.
It was originally titled "Who Killed Doc Robin" but I've now dubbed it A Jovial Murder by Nat Wilk Clerk. (Name Jack used to first publish A Grief Observed and means "no one knows the writer" though I know very well.) I, as the director, am having some trouble with my butler-actor (every murder needs a butler). He's having a little trouble with his part, and doens't really want to practice it with us until he has it perfectly. Also, he's a guy so he doesn't want to shake hands with my Harboil Link, (a girl's acting him). When we finished are practice Thursday evening he had decided he wanted to be the murdered Doc, and my Doc was very upset. His dad said the two of them would be Prop Hands/stage hands, but he was still very disapointed. To the point of tears, he's about 6. I also have another three people who would like to get into the script.
So, because of my butler and those three people, I've been doing my third massive-editing job, I just finished printing them out, and highlighting the lines of different people for each copy. Tomorrow after church I shall try and gather my friends together to practise, I hope we can get around to it, and the song we must practise with another woman who will acompany us on the piano.
So much to do, so much to do, but this shall be my motto: the show must go on!
My cousin and grandfather are visiting us, all the way from Maine. I haven't seen much of them at all, because I leave for work before they get up, and come back around 4, going to bed at about 9. That leaves 5 hours to visit a day, but I have so much to do doing those four hours (pictures, bussiness things) that I've seen very little of them. Today, Saturday, I would have got all day to visit, but I had the script to make up, and they were gone anyways. They were gone from 7 till 6, quite awhile. It's very pathetic.
My cousin is very funny and I'm sure is entertaining my siblings beautifully well I am gone. Tonight they were playing with a set of lensless glasses, they were round, almost like Harry Potter's. Hence this exclaimation:
"I am Harry Plotter! I plot your death! Hey; let go of that sock, it's Harry Plotter's sock. Harry Plotter's." Quits the accent, "And then, I take off the glasses and I'm, Jim!"
"Who's Jim?"
"I don't know..."
((BTW, "The Victor Borge Collection" isn't exactly what I'm watching, it's actually intitled "Victor Borge in London".))
(Imported from Xanga.)