Mood: Contemplative

Stay strong
You are not lost
Come on and fix your eyes ahead
There’s a new dawn to light our day, our day
You’ve gotta stay strong
You and I run
For the prize that lies ahead
We’ve come too far to lose our way, our way

This race can be won

And your asking why I’m quoting that…and, I’m sure I can’t tell you. It’s just a superb song. After attempting several times to post this with various computer glitches (or computer cliches, which makes no sence but sounds a little eviler/cooler), I am attempting again. Hopefully with success this time…

Return with much welcome to my humble abode, oh ye Children On Porch, enjoy your stay…well it lasts. You will mostly certainly keep this place until a really good picture of Dinklage is handed down upon us fans, or until I come across another good picture for a header, or until you all our no longer weary of coming to my blog, come with ease, then I will do something quite freaky to prove that I am still equally evil. (Serious, that Peter Furler template was too fun! So, to remind us all, see the picture on my sidebar. Poorly done, but to remind us of this date.)

Have a good Christmas and new year’s? Me too. Have you been to Cauldron Pool recently? Me too.

I’m going to start a series of post, this is the introductory post, then I will have a great many posts over a good long time and then a ending/epilogue/finishing/closing post. What sparked this? A conversation I had with pianolove and my mother this morning. I had acquired a little bit of cash the other day and was considering buying a newsboys album from iTunes, my problem was I couldn’t decide which album to buy. I wanted about five albums, but wasn’t going to spend $50 in one sitting. I narrowed my list down quite a bit, down to two but couldn’t decide which, and couldn’t decide which. So I asked advice from three of my sisters. I asked if it would be better to get Thrive, or would it be better to perhaps get LoveLibertyDisco? My one sister said Thrive, the other said LoveLibertyDisco, it was all, at this point, handing on pianolove (the third sister) to tip the scales. But…what do you think she said in answer to the ultimate question?! She said "I don’t know" then went on to say that she hadn’t heard any of the songs from the albums. Which was false, I pointed out four songs that I know she’s heard Love Liberty Disco, It Is You, Million Pieces, and Rescue. She then said that she couldn’t decide on those songs ’cause she couldn’t understand the lyrics and didn’t know what the newsboys’ where trying to convay to us through the songs (that is, except for It Is You, which is really obvious.) At this point my mother joined the conversation to echo what my sister said.

Ack. Mother, sister, you are truely missing out, I am comming to your rescue! See my proposal and introductory post, following….

* * * * *

(That picture looks familiar, doesn’t it? Left to right: Jeff Frankenstein [keyboardist], Peter Furler [lead vocals, guitarist, drummer, songwriter, and anything else needed], Paul Coleman [background vocals, guitarist], and Duncan Phillips [drummer, percussionist].)

The newsboys sport four band members, three of which are from Australia, the fourth doesn’t sing. The three have accents. This makes the words to their songs somewhat unclear, but once you latch onto the lyrics however it’s pretty easy to follow. Also, a man named Steve Taylor writes or co-writes nearly all their lyrics, and he has a style all to himself. I am, going to attempt to explain the meaning that I find in each of the songs, and what I think the newsboys are telling you in these songs. However, the newsboys have been a band since 1985 or so, over twenty years, this makes for allot of records. Their albums are as follows:

newsboys: Greatest Hits (2007)
Go Remixed (2007)
Go [limited addition] (2006)
Go (2006)
Double-Take (2005)
Devotion (2004)
Adoration (2003)
Newsboys Remixed (2002)
Thrive (2002)
Shine: The Hits (2000)
LoveLibertyDisco (1999)
Entertaining Angels (1998)
Step Up To The Microphone (1998)
Take Me To Your Leader (1996)
Going Public (1994)
Not Ashamed (1992)
Boys Will Be Boyz (1992)
Read All About It (1992)
Hell Is For Wimps (1990)

Allot of songs. I couldn’t possible go through all their songs in one post. So I’m going to make it instead, one song per post. Starting from their newest songs to their oldest songs, with "eXtra"s for EPs, singles, speacial releases, and all else that’s good and gets the fans all riled up. I’m going to probebly skip the albums Devotion, Adoration, and Double-Take, as they are pretty much self-explanitory. We’re going to go and call this Post Series: Bite Sized NewsBoys, a good title ’cause the newsboys never set anything before you in bite sized pieces. You’ve always got to break it down yourself so’s not to choke.

See you then!

(Imported from HomeschoolBlogger.)