Bite-Sized NewsBoys #5
Song: Let It All Come Out
Album: GO
Lift yourself out of it all
Come out from the shadows to the sun
Oh you gotta lift yourself out of it all
Yesterday’s over, a new day’s begun
You’re only sick as all your secrets
The three and a half minute pop is alright in it’s way, but now here are the songs without all the glory that, after awhile come and over take the pop stuff. Let It All Come Out as already overtaken Wherever We Go –for me at least.
This one is such a simple song, let it out, come out of the shadows, turn your head, to the son.* When you go out you meet the people who drop everything and turn to Christ than you meet the one’s clinging to the things of the past, they can’t let it out, holding on to former beliefs or former selfishnesses. Here it says let it all out, your only sick as all the things you can’t let go of.
It does say that, but it also seems to say something else, sticks out a bit like a sore thumb. We’re all harboring things, whether it’s things someone as done to us, we’ve done to them, things we’ve seen, heard, said. We’ve got piles of things that we hold onto, not nessicarily grudges but things we can’t seem to let out, things that encourage stress, tempermental, and things of that sort. Those things that appear to eat away at your heart and soul first, your intestines second, and your mind and skin last, those kinds of things. You’ve got to tell someone, obviously you can’t just tell anyone, but someone you know and trust, or write it down, and maybe even burn it afterwards. Let it all come out.
So tell me, who’s touched your child?
*Not a spelling mistake, most of the others are mistakes, not this one.
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(Imported from HomeschoolBlogger.)