*yawn* I am tired. The statement is sufficient to explain why this quote is my favorite as of right now:
I felt a funeral in my brain,
And mourners, to and fro,
Kept treading, treading, till it seemed
That sense was breaking through.
And when they all were seated,
A service like a drum
Kept beating, beating, till I thought
My mind was going numb.
Since last Friday I've been getting to bed regularly at 9pm and only getting until about midnight so... *yawn*
Dad payed me this week. Yay. In case you don't know, I work for my parents, they run there own business. When working for them I earn money without interfering with my agoraphobia, my main "profession" (being a matchmaker) however, interferes with it big time. I have however thus far managed not to die of a phobia so...yay me. Working for my parents I get a little over $6 dollars a day, pay day comes once a month. As a matchmaker I get a little less than 10x that, and pay day comes once every two weeks.
Got that? So, right now, for 2-6 days every month I am rich, then I spend it all and am poor again. I need to read more books on money management. *wink* This past week I got $200 deposited in my fist.
I set aside 10% of that for safe keeping between then and Sunday.
Half of the original amount went in a hidden envelope, to be saved.
I gave $60 of it to my Mom, because I owed her money for random things.
And I got to spend $40 of it, yay!
I marched right off to iTunes, or rather, walked over to the compete and opened itunes.exe, and immediately purchased Step Up To The Microphone and ran around and spent a whole lot more.
*listens to the stupidest argument between mother and daughter she's ever heard in her life* And I've head several stupid/silly ones. It gets on my nerves when the parent doesn't hear the whole story and gives unfair judgments. It gets worse when the "argument" (in which the parent does all the arguing) is with the scapegoat child, my one sister gets blamed for a lot of things, fair or unfair. I do feel sorry for her.
Anyways, I shall now give you the full description of my purchases.
Album: Step Up to the Microphone
Artist: Newsboys
Release Date: 1998
1. WooHoo (Just a fun song, a celebration this one, fun to listen to, but I love the live version even more. See YouTube. Fuzzy guitar sound to this, and Phil Joel's girly voice, what a combination! It works with this song though, so all is good. A favorite of mine.)
2. Step Up to the Microphone (Title track! Title tracks are good, particularly on Thrive and Devotion, those title tracks are absolutely fantastic. This one has got horns, scratchy guitars, rap, and other strange vocals, too cool. My little brother's favorite song.)
3. Entertaining Angels ("This one as been a favorite with the fans for many years..." Well not with me, it's really cool, but I don't love it. My sister loves it, but not I. Sorry, 'boys. A strings song, sounds like a violin or some instrument of that kind, Phil Joel again (with Jody Davis and Peter Furler doing backgrounds). This song isn't to bad really.)
4. Believe (More strings! The very beginning makes me think of the "News At Nine" arguments my father used to watch. It has almost the hinting of a lullaby to it. Not sure who sings the main vocals on this one, it sounds like Peter Furler at moments and at others it doesn't.)
5. Tuning In (Starts out with sounds of a radio that needs tuning and then the music, and then the words! Peter's definitely singing this one. There's a general fuzzy sound about this one, maybe fuzzy instruments where the "thing" in '98? *didn't listen to music back then* This song rather makes me think of Spanish music. It ends with more horns, guitar plucking (not strumming, plucking) and then, a mistake! someone laughs and then sighs.)
6. Truth Be Known - Everybody Gets A Shot (Fuzziness, piano/keyboards, then the drums and a good deal of "Ahhhh-ahhh-haha"ing and then fuzzy vocals. The chorus is clear, less fuzzy. More fuzziness and a great deal of chorus repetition and some whistling! *loves it when the 'boys whistle*)
7. Deep End (Yes, you listen to this song and hear "She's goin' off the deep end/breaking from the crowd/she's way in over her head/I think she's going to drown" and think, "What?! Suicidal? I thought this was a Christian band" they are, listen on. Yes, more fuzziness to this song, I'm not sure what they use to make the fuzziness in this song, but it's fuzzy anyways. Sung by Peter Furler. The last line gives a clue to this song: "she's diving in the ocean of your grace." A favorite of mine.)
8. Hallelujah (begins with a great beat played out for you by the base drum (or the kick drum, or whatever it's called) some "far away" sounding drums, then a fuzzyish (not as fuzzy as some) comes. Peter sings this one. Best lyric working on this album yet. A favorite of mine.)
9. The Tide (I really like the sound of the vocals on this one. More guitar plucking. Not sure who sings this, but it sounds nice, it works really well. This one makes me think of Let It Rain (from Going Public), though I like Let It Rain better than this. I shall have to sit down and listen to this one really hard once when it's quiet. Quiet and fuzzy song. I'm sure I have no idea what they used in this but it sounds very much like waves, fuzzy waves.)
10. Always (Starts out very slowly, like a sad sad something or other, and then the lyrics start, Peter's voice is amazing in this one. Makes it sound even more sad then before. *weeps* Very sad, very sad. This one is really beyond description, and I want to save all I have to say about it for HSB. Go to YouTube, peoples, it's even more amazing in concert! But not really for sing-alongs, it's far too sad. *weeps more* A favorite of mine.)
2. Step Up to the Microphone (Title track! Title tracks are good, particularly on Thrive and Devotion, those title tracks are absolutely fantastic. This one has got horns, scratchy guitars, rap, and other strange vocals, too cool. My little brother's favorite song.)
3. Entertaining Angels ("This one as been a favorite with the fans for many years..." Well not with me, it's really cool, but I don't love it. My sister loves it, but not I. Sorry, 'boys. A strings song, sounds like a violin or some instrument of that kind, Phil Joel again (with Jody Davis and Peter Furler doing backgrounds). This song isn't to bad really.)
4. Believe (More strings! The very beginning makes me think of the "News At Nine" arguments my father used to watch. It has almost the hinting of a lullaby to it. Not sure who sings the main vocals on this one, it sounds like Peter Furler at moments and at others it doesn't.)
5. Tuning In (Starts out with sounds of a radio that needs tuning and then the music, and then the words! Peter's definitely singing this one. There's a general fuzzy sound about this one, maybe fuzzy instruments where the "thing" in '98? *didn't listen to music back then* This song rather makes me think of Spanish music. It ends with more horns, guitar plucking (not strumming, plucking) and then, a mistake! someone laughs and then sighs.)
6. Truth Be Known - Everybody Gets A Shot (Fuzziness, piano/keyboards, then the drums and a good deal of "Ahhhh-ahhh-haha"ing and then fuzzy vocals. The chorus is clear, less fuzzy. More fuzziness and a great deal of chorus repetition and some whistling! *loves it when the 'boys whistle*)
7. Deep End (Yes, you listen to this song and hear "She's goin' off the deep end/breaking from the crowd/she's way in over her head/I think she's going to drown" and think, "What?! Suicidal? I thought this was a Christian band" they are, listen on. Yes, more fuzziness to this song, I'm not sure what they use to make the fuzziness in this song, but it's fuzzy anyways. Sung by Peter Furler. The last line gives a clue to this song: "she's diving in the ocean of your grace." A favorite of mine.)
8. Hallelujah (begins with a great beat played out for you by the base drum (or the kick drum, or whatever it's called) some "far away" sounding drums, then a fuzzyish (not as fuzzy as some) comes. Peter sings this one. Best lyric working on this album yet. A favorite of mine.)
9. The Tide (I really like the sound of the vocals on this one. More guitar plucking. Not sure who sings this, but it sounds nice, it works really well. This one makes me think of Let It Rain (from Going Public), though I like Let It Rain better than this. I shall have to sit down and listen to this one really hard once when it's quiet. Quiet and fuzzy song. I'm sure I have no idea what they used in this but it sounds very much like waves, fuzzy waves.)
10. Always (Starts out very slowly, like a sad sad something or other, and then the lyrics start, Peter's voice is amazing in this one. Makes it sound even more sad then before. *weeps* Very sad, very sad. This one is really beyond description, and I want to save all I have to say about it for HSB. Go to YouTube, peoples, it's even more amazing in concert! But not really for sing-alongs, it's far too sad. *weeps more* A favorite of mine.)
Album: Very Best of Whiteheart
Artist: Whiteheart
Release Date: 2006
7. The Flame Passes On (This song was originally released in 1993 on the album "Highlands," Highlands as a much better album cover than the VBoW does, but iTunes doesn't carry Highlands. This song is, like someone on YouTube said, "angelic" the sounds or beautiful. In my opinion, my sister's don't care for this song but I like it.)
Album: A Collision
Artist: David Crowder*Band
Release Date: 2005
3. Here Is Our King (A really good song, it has a bit of electronic feel to it. David Crowder as a really unique voice, it works with the song. The lyrics are strong. Good stuff this.)
5. Foreverandever Etc... (Begans with a bit of whistling and then a fast upbeat electronic feel kicks in, David Crowder's voice works quite well in this one too. I love the lyrics in this one, "I think I'm on the break of something large/maybe like the breaking of a dawn/or the lighting of a match/or the sinking of a ship" makes me think of the Titanic, but cool anyways. Love the beat to this one. See the music video for this one YouTube, beware a extremely random music video, nothing to do with the song, which makes it all the more worth watching, right?
10. I Saw the Light (This as a country/cowboy feel to it, bango sounding music, clapping, sing-along. Two-thirds of the way through the song David Crowder ends the song and sings something very slow and quietly, haven't figured out what he's singing yet. He's much better at singing fast things then that, he's in the middle of singing it, there's a sucking sound and the song is over.)
5. Foreverandever Etc... (Begans with a bit of whistling and then a fast upbeat electronic feel kicks in, David Crowder's voice works quite well in this one too. I love the lyrics in this one, "I think I'm on the break of something large/maybe like the breaking of a dawn/or the lighting of a match/or the sinking of a ship" makes me think of the Titanic, but cool anyways. Love the beat to this one. See the music video for this one YouTube, beware a extremely random music video, nothing to do with the song, which makes it all the more worth watching, right?
10. I Saw the Light (This as a country/cowboy feel to it, bango sounding music, clapping, sing-along. Two-thirds of the way through the song David Crowder ends the song and sings something very slow and quietly, haven't figured out what he's singing yet. He's much better at singing fast things then that, he's in the middle of singing it, there's a sucking sound and the song is over.)
Album: Illuminate
Artist: David Crowder*Band
Release Date: 2003
3. O Praise Him (All This for a King) (Begins slowly then the base/kick drum kicks in and it gets faster, I love his "OOOOOh"ing and his "la,la,la"ing. Very unique voice, but it's rather cool. Good good song.)
Album: Veggie Rocks!
Artist: Paul Colman
Release Date: 2004
6. I'm So Blue (Not generally much of one for VeggieTales stuff but this one was far to funny to pass up, 'sides it's Paul Colman. Sad that iTunes spelled his name wrong. This song starts with someone with a French accent talking about--French accents! "Now why don't you loose that fake French accent and let's rock...rock and roll, veggie rock" and then a ridiculously funny nose-snort/laugh. "Let's rock it now lads." And this song does rock it, wonderfully composed drums, it's got a really sweet beet. (Ha! Rhymes! Sorta.) Paul Colman delights us be yelling, crying, talking, and various other things during the song. I'm telling you. Ridiculously funny! "...Went and bought a new sink/It even has a disposal I think!")
Album: Good Monsters
Artist: Jars of Clay
Release Date: 2007
2. Dead Man (Carry Me) (This is the song with my older sister has labeled as "morbid" --Disagreement! I think it's really cool, catchy, great beat, fun lyrics with leave you thinking. And 'sides, the album cover is really splendid, if only I had a really large version of it to state at for seconds on end.)
Album: See The Morning
Artist: Chris Tomlin
Release Date: 2006
1. How Can I Keep from Singing? (begins with a tinkli-bell sound then an electric guitar and drum. This released about the same time as Yes You Have (Leeland), love them both so much. This one is definitely worship centered and worship based, Chris Tomlin is strictly a worship leader. But it's good whether worship or not.)
11. Amazing Grace (My Chains Are Gone) (This one is beautiful. All I can say. Beautiful.)
11. Amazing Grace (My Chains Are Gone) (This one is beautiful. All I can say. Beautiful.)
Album: Days of Elijah (Ultimate Worship Anthems of the Christian Faith)
Artist: Robin Mark
Release Date: 2006
1. Days of Elijah (The title of this album is much to long. Still...this is a concert recording, it begins with a flute softly then the audience claps as the other instruments kick in. Robin Mark as a good strong voice and he definitely as a gal background singer. The track is 8 minutes long, six minutes into it, the song ends, there's a drum roll, and the audience claps. Then Robin Mark prays. He has a accent. Then my favorite part, the repeat the chorus ones more, you can hear the sounds of several voices, many many voices all singing the chorus slowly, without music (just drums). It sounds so...intimate, for lack of a better word. I don't know, but still, my favorite part. Just like when Peter Furler sang He Reigns that way. Favorite part and a great song. *loves Days Of Elijah...and Lion Of Judah.*)
Album: You Raise Me Up - Single
Artist: Josh Groban
Release Date: 2003
1. You Raise Me Up (Not overrated! Selah's version is beautifuler but Groban as a really lovely voice, and it's deeper and easier for me to sing-along with. And I suppose that's all I need to say, everyone's head this song. Just one more thing: I really don't like the album cover.)
Album: Whispered and Shouted
Artist: Aaron Shust
Release Date: 2007
5. Give Me Words to Speak (This and I Fought the La (newsboys) are the ultimate writer's block songs. This one is very piano-y, but it's got the drums in there and a slide-ie sound in there. I really go like it quite a bit, and it's album cover. It's a cool one.
That would be $22 dollars right there. *shock* Anyways, yes, that's alright there amazing songs, I wouldn't return them if I could. It brings my iPod total to 144 songs and 9.5 hours worth of listening, 7 of those hours are because of newsboys' songs. I'll listen to them each six hundred times which comes out to about one-sixth of a cent per listen, or something like that, I probably have the math wrong. *yawn* I'm still tired, remember?
Yesterday was half-off day at Goodwill. It was a whole family excursion because I wanted to go, I really didn't feel like sibling-sitting. My little siblings made a mess of the toy section in Goodwill. *rolls eyes* You see, my problem is that once I see something I want I buy it. I'm very good at limiting my wants, and at staying away from temptation, but once the temptation is there I'm very bad at resisting it. *shakes head* So, you guessed it, Goodwill made me poor again. *looks ashamed* I found a blue headband, I'd been wanting one the past few weeks and this one was only $0.50 (before the 50% off, not sure if I got a discount on headbands, *forgot*), I really lovely necklace, I love the "in" style of necklaces, very cool. A black tank with white flowers, quite lovely. A blue shirt which is quite like a red one I have, same cut. I love my red one, it's too lovely. Then I got a red and brown shirt in the same cut as the blue one, I think I got it because it looks like a shirt my best friend owns. And I got a pair of shoes, one of those "all the rage" pairs: flats. Now, understand, I don't like flats but I don't mind these because they have little cute heels on the ends. Absolutely adorable.
*yawn* Now that took a long time to write, and now it's thoroughly time to sleep. *keels over*
(Imported from Xanga.)