Bite-Sized NewsBoys #12
Song: Giving It Over
Album: Thrive
I wrote piles and piles about this song, if you want to know what I wrote I’ll tell you (because I hate to loose all those sentences) but since what I wrote isn’t much good I’m just going to make this simple.
Die to, misplace, loose yourself and give it over to God. Loose it all, pack it up, drain it all upon God. Every last ounce. Your thoughts, your mind, your actions, your health, your wealth, your strength, your soul.
Peter Furler said that this is what the songs about, "dying to yourself."
It’s not about I. I wish I could stop using that word. Like the words to, I think, a Avalon song, "It’s not about me it’s gotta be about You."
It’s not about us, and that us is messing up our lives. All this mess, this stuff that’s we moan and groan and hyperventilate over. It’s all materialistic, believe it or not. Give it over.
And besides, we don’t know were the winds gonna blow and you definitely can’t take all that with you to Heaven — so why keep it?
Give it over.
One more thing comes to mind when I hear this song, it’s John 4:14. This song brings us one of my favorite Newsboys lyrics ever. The part about being dead in the water of this life, and as I think about it there’s alot of things–everything, just about– that make the water that sustains us dirty and poisoned. Even family put before God makes the water dirty. But whosoever drinks the clear, beautiful water that gives everlasting life, the water that comes from God shan’t thirst for the dirty water again.
Poorly put statement about those lines that my very humble opinion says are great lyrics.
(I finally leave it at that –whatever it’s at– having thoroughly confused myself, and am walking away convinced of a poor job. I hate that.)
Bite-Sized NewsBoys #13
Song: Live In Stereo
Album: Thrive
I had to ask my Mom what the term "live in stereo" is all about. She said something to the effect of living at a different depth.
Well, what if, what if God is your stereo? We can’t really live life fully without Him. He’s our best-laid plans and He reminds us to wear the other pair if pants. With Him we don’t live like everybody else, life is a little deeper and at a different level so to speak. The Purpose Driven Level, maybe. Without God we can’t get to Heaven from were we are, we can’t get anywhere without Him. We can’t even breathe unless He decrees it.
I should think that would make us all fit the role of Paper Tigers very well — the weak role.
Bite-Sized NewsBoys #14
Song: Million Pieces (Kissin’ Your Cares Goodbye)
Album: Thrive
Every song means something a little different to everyone, a obvious meaning on this song is not to hold grudges, but I like Duncan’s perspective on it best.
The dear ol’ drummer says that when he hears this song he thinks of something far away from grudges. He thinks of sorrows and difficulties and things of that sort. They all happen for a reason and as they happen they can break us into as many as a million pieces. But we aren’t left broken –oh no!– God comes along and picks up those pieces and puts us back together, maybe omitting a few pieces and maybe not putting us back the way we were but He brings us closer to Him, so that we can more properly thrive. He is the potter and we are the clay — what of it if adding a handle may hurt a bit?
That’s what Duncan says, Peter says something completely different.
He’d just been reading the book Ruthless Trust by Brennan Manning and that influenced the song that’s about "when you get yourself backed into a corner. When you’ve got nowhere else to go, sometimes that’s the best place to be. It’s about putting off the things of the past and believing in a God who can put rivers in a desert." According to our very own Peter.
(Imported from HomeschoolBlogger.)