My! My! My! Ohhhhhh my! Amazon sent me my Houston, We Are Go --*squeal*-- package in record time. And I should think so when I paid them $5 to do so! Though, just think how much gasoline five dollars will buy me. I guess I shouldn't be that distressed at not getting the thing the very day it came out.
I'm currently listening to the CD...again. I put it in the stereo the minute it came (alright, not the exact minute, not until after I squealed and shrieked over it and opened it the Paul Colman Way) listened to it up to the Something Beautiful intro at which point I hyperventalated and had to turn it off to keep from dying right then and there. I made lunch then ate it and flipped the CD back on. As you can (hopefully) tell I didn't die listening to the rest of the CD. But let me tell you this thing is amazing! A dream; hopefully not a literal dream. If you never read this then you will know that I'm currently dreaming.
Peter says that if my ears arn't ringing or don't ring then he wants his money back. Well, not going to happen! My ears are ringing and I've not been privalaged with Peter's money so I can't very well give it back to him, can I?
Amazing Love and Blessed Be Your Name All TX singing praises Quite frankly. Peter's testimony is also amazing.
Supposedly Peter shops at the Flying Jay and they have a great range of black? Add the Flying Jay to my If I Go To TN List.
No, nevermind, don't. There's some guy hanging around the Flying Jay with a belt buckle as big as my head. I don't think I want to go there any more...
I can't wait to actually watch the DVD. I now feel obligated to loan it to you, Kiwi. Even if it is the precious. You should invite me over though and I'll bring it with me. *hinthint* Wouldn't it be even more fun watching together? You have but three siblings and I have ten. Ten! My siblings don't understand that they should not talk, yell, or fight when someone else is watch a movie. That's why I listened to the CD first, because then I wouldn't have to hear the DVD. I'd already heard it and know what the 'boyz were saying.
I've now listened to this thing twice and am listening to the Medley part of it for the third time. Love Paul's rendition of Love Liberty Disco! Quite catchy. I'm really gonna get a YouTube account one of these days.
I love the fact that this is in a jewel case not a cardboard case. I do like jewels.
I also bought Paul Colman Trio's New Map of the World on Tuesday. Yesterday. *watches everyone fall asleep* Eager for it to get here. And I hate the fact that All U Need isn't on it. (I think Kale hides when we all start doing the Run and All U Need hand motions. Poor girl.) But Selfish Song and Run and Fill My Cup and etc., and etc., are on there. Great musicians.
My next goal is to get a CD with Big Boy and All U Need and No Problem and etc. on it. All my favorites. Or maybe I'll go out back and dig for oil so's I can book Paul instead of buying all his CDs. I'll have him play only my favorite songs. Waltzing Matilda, anyone?
I need a CD rack...
*flips on the radio* I suppose I shouldn't beat up this station too much. They just did play a tobyMac song, after all. And they play New Release Tuesday updates, normally pretty boring except when they cover Houston, We Are Go and have Peter yelling "Breakfast!" Then they're fascinating.
...BlogSpot doesn't like me...
*tosses phone aside* I don't think the telephone liked being used in the garage. To far from its box. I would have gone in the basement of course but a certain rambunctious sibling was down there messing with the pool table. It's no wonder Mother hides whenever she's on the phone.
As you can see I got my first phone conversation (in the loosest sense of the word) with a fellow NWebber today. I'm sure I made a fool of myself. I do tend to interrupt people, don't I? *headesk* Dispite that I hope it'll happen again because it was a interesting and entertain hour. With a great deal of sarcasm, right Alyosha? (On my part of course, not yours.) I do recall saying I was good at that kind of thing several posts back. My Murder In The Air post, I believe.
[The above was written on Wednesday, the first.]
I was originally going to talk about music in this about recent editions to my CD collection --*cough*newsboys*cough*-- but...I haven't a great desire to do that right now. So I could just ramble on like I'm currently doing and hope it doesn't lead anyone to jump off a cliff or I could be a studious creature and end this post to go bother my brain over Algebra, or even science, which is easier.
Rambling seems so much nicer. My lot in life, eh?
New words: derogatory and ennui. Whatever they mean. I'll have to look them up. Or maybe I've already looked up the meanings previously? I dunno. Not that I'd remember that kind of thing.
We went to a booksale last week. Besides a book called Just Ella and a movie called Ever After and etc. I bought a 8 track CD of the Christian music that was hot a few months ago. It was only about a dollar, which was cool.
Because of that and Houston, We Are Go, New Map of the World, and Goodwill I don't technically have the money to buy a ticket to see City of Ember on Friday... Very sad. Waiting for the DVD is probably so much more logical. And cheaper. Mom can sell it after we watch it. Dispite that I think we will be going to see it Friday and I would hate to be left out.
When I grow up and have responsibilities (like taxes--my Mom and Dad thought McCain's proposal to double the tax deduction on each child amusing--and bills) I'll flunk them so bad and spend all my money on the wrong things so that I'll end up in the Poor House within my first month. I just know it. Shiny Armor Guy can come and bail me out.
But anyways I'm going to talk about New Map of the World (TheJesusUnderground has fantastic shipping) and the 8 track thing well seeing how long I can make this post. What fun.
Hot New Tracks from the Hottest Contemporary Christian Artists, I think it's a cheap freebie thing Sony did. In a slipcase! Not nice nor fun. Wouldn't manufacturers forsee the CDs slipping out of the slipcases?
1. What I've Done-Until June
Catchy. Sounds like Relient K in a way. I do like it. Though I don't think I shall ever be an Until June fan, their music video for Sleepless was rather unpleasant...
2. The Twenty-First Time-Monk & Neagle
Kinda like it but am rather iffy. This song really started a revolution though. I think this is what started the Drive-Thru Difference.
3. Yes You Have-Leeland
Love this one! Leeland's lead singer needs some freckles, I think.
4. I'm Not Who I Was-Brandon Heath
Iffy here as well. Kinda like the lyrics though... Not for the style though.
5. Slow Fade-Casting Crowns
A interesting song, kinda nice but I'm not really partial to it. The style isn't mine and the last part doesn't fit in. *hides* Don't hurt me.
6. Tunnel-Third Day
Very good. I do like this one. We once parody'd it in the van, talking about the rainy weather.
7. Still Calls Me Son-John Waller
It's okay...
8. For Your Glory-Matt Maher
Rather dull. It'll be fine though. I shan't die.
On to something more interesting, eh? Everyone knows dcTalk. The legion. Toured with the Newsboys once. They wrestled in the dressing room and broke each other's bones. Crazy men. Okay, maybe that's not so very interesting.
What am I talking about?! Here's (randomly) what I think of their Jesus Freak album.
1. So Help Me God
Hmm... Electric and fuzzy. Rap. Not true rap, the rap that isn't painful. Would this be classified as hip hop?
2. Colo(u)red People
One of my favorites on this album. Like the lyrics and I tip my hat to the colourful arrangement. I do like the music video for this one.
3. Jesus Freak
This song is a legion. Everyone's heard it and I love it. Though I don't think I like the lyrics quite as much here.
4. What If I Stumble
The song starts with someone saying that the greatest cause of atheism today is Christians who profess Christ with their mouth but deny Him with their lives. (Two pc3 songs I can reference here are Dear God and No Problem.) I do love this song. Impressive lyrics...again.
5. Day by Day
One of the faster songs. Kinda like it.
6. Mrs. Morgan
Short and boring track. Some lady talking about her really loud drumming neighbor.
7. Between You and Me
Is that bad grammar? I don't have a great love for this track. It's kind of dull. Talking about not letting the sun go down upon your anger. Give me We Come Together any day.
8. Like It, Love It, Need It
Another fast song one of which I get stuck in my head. I do like this track and do find these guys' lyrics to be impressive.
9. Jesus Freak (Reprise)
Amusing the first time I heard it but now I think it's annoying and stupid.
10. In the Light
Love it! Lots of Tait "sound effects". It's been my favorite dcTalk song for a long time.
11. What Have We Become
Lyrics...again. I do kind of like this track...also.
12. Mind's Eye
Rather like this one but not immensily. Sounds like Tait singing. My favorite part is the part "can you see God? Have you see Him? I can't see the wind, I see the effects of the wind but I've never seen the wind..."
13. Untitled
Very, very dull track that I do not like.
There's that. My thumb itches... Did that bore you? Yes? Back to the schedule.
No, not back to schedule. Do you know what I got the other week?! The IT IS YOU SINGLE! *dies* It was given out free to people who pre-ordered Thrive six years ago, before I was a fan. I got my copy off eBay, much to my delight, let me tell you.
1. It Is You
A very good song. Almost as popular as--say--Shine. I actually just told a story about this song on my HSB blog.
2. Joy (Campfire Mix)
I have always adored Joy and this acoustic version is also worth of my adoration and I do adore it. I wish they still had Joy in the 'boyz's set list... God of Nations would be a amazing opener/closer though.
3. Shine (Nosebleed Cellphone Mix)
Live recording which I like simply for it's title. So unique.
4. Entertaining Angels (7th Row Dictaphone Mix)
Never been a huge EA fan... Also a live recording.
5. Breakfast (I'm Ready for My Napster Mix)
Whatever deep meaning there is in that title went right over my head. Also a live recording. "Would you like a little bit a Breakfast?"
6. It Is You (Frankenstein Mix)
Jeff Frankenstein definitely has a way with remixes. This one is stellar. My Dad is used to Peter sing all manner of other things so asked "This isn't that Peter guy, is it?" when we were listening to this remix on the way to Somewhere. (I think on the way to our Othello practice.) It was kinda funny.
New Map of the World by Paul Colman Trio. Winner of the 2003 New Artist of the Year Dove Award. Go Paulipops and Co.! I'm delighted with the fact that Phil Gaudian thanks Duncan Phillips and Paul Colman thanks Peter Furler in the insert thankyous. Grant Norsworthy thanks "Rebecca & ..." -- I find that hysterical. Or atleast, rather funny. Rebecca is Paul Colman's wife, BTW. That bit of information might help you understand the joke.
I've been listening this poor CD to death. I adore it!
I love the album art and insert. The songs are each gems but they make for a gaudy piece of jewlery, that's my one complaint. The songs don't flow in and out of each other. Or they do lyrically but not musically. Ya know?
We're off...
We're off...
1. Turn
How can you expect people not to like this? I love this song. I think it's the only pc3 song that has a music video. See YouTube. Electric guitar. Amazing! Paul Colman's lyrics even more so. Talks about living for Jesus not just talking about him.
2. Run
I love Run. My favorite line is "They say just follow your heart/Yeah, but what if it lies?" Song talks about the fact that God only knows. About life and living and everything else. Why did Eve eat the forbidden fruit? Why is the sky blue? Why do I have blonde hair? Why did God choose Abraham and not some dude from Cush? Or is it Kush? I dunno but God does. The handmotions for this song are fun. Good stuff.
3. Sun-Moon-Stars
I am obsession with this song. Infatuated. I love it. There's nothing I can say, it's...perfect.
4. Fill My Cup
The "sound effects" in the background are cool. The lyrics rock. There's a cute video on YouTube of Paul singing this with his two daughters Katherine and Elizabeth. Man, this song rocks... Paul once sang it as "fill my cup to the top with bottled water" at one of his gigs. My favorite part of this song is "I feel light, I could float right up to you/Like a bridge that's connecting the water."
5. Your Sweet Voice
Lyrics. Again. Not a favorite song of mine but it is really good. It reminds me of a song sometimes played on the radio.
6. Africa
Please don't shoot me but I don't like this song.
7. Let Love Grow
The album's "title track." Reminds me of the Newsboys' song Wherever We Go. It's a great song, lyrically and musically.
8. Selfish Song
If you like VeggieTales than you should take a listen to this song. It's amusing. The lyrics are impressive. Good stuff.
9. Love Me More
A song about love and grace dedicated to someone named Lu. Not a favorite of mine...
10. I Dream
Paul Colman raps? Will wonders ever cease? A great song. Really deep. My favorite part is the second verse; I'm definitely adding it to my favorites quotes. One of the best songs on this album.
11. The Killing Tree
Ah! I've found my calling! I'll learn to play the didgeridoo! With a old wrapping paper roll. I may not be physically capable of mastering circular breathing though... You really got to listen hard in order to hear the didj in the background of this song. Just like I Dream this is really deep and lyrically stellar. In case you're really dense like I (hopefully you aren't) the "killing tree" is the Cross.
12. Lullaby
A really nice way to end New Map of the World. Love the chorus. A good song. The sigh near the end is probably my favorite part.
I guess that's all I should say for now. This post is long enough. Save the rest for future posts or forget what it was I was saving. Who cares? Have a nice week.
*goes and listens to Cabaret Boy*
This post was most amusing; here is why:
1. Furler looks like he is basking in the eternal glow of the Newsboys mothership in that picture.
2. This post was tagged with my name? I have my own category on your esteemed site? OH WOW. [/narcissism]
3. I LOVE THE WORD ENNUI (I believe it means boredom, and if that's right I learned it from Lemony Snicket. Ha) though I daren't use it with anyone else who does because the pronunciation is so jolly cryptic.
Yeah, I only have five siblings and they haven't discovered the be quiet while watching a movie thing either. If I can convince one more to join my side, we'd have a majority, and then we could throw pillows at the dissenters...hmm. *commences scheming*
Ha, no, I was the one who interrupted I think. :P That happens all the time (says the 'phone expert--yeah RIGHT), the victim on the other end and I are silent for long periods, then both start talking at exactly the same time. I think there's some scientific name for that. If not there should be. And don't worry, I am overly fond of sarcasm to begin with (much to, alternately, the amuse and disgust of The Family).
And it was indeed entertaining. Very. And not just because of the constant roar of siblings in the background, haha. Thanks so much for calling! Oh wait, I called. Well, for talking then. haha.
I think we might be seeing CoE tomorrow too. Best wishes for your resources being renewed in time! *ignores rubbishy grammar*
Woohoo for the Shiny Armour Guy, and you'd better hope he's a Newsboys fan. Actually... nevermind, I can't quite picture you marrying someone who isn't anyhow. Right? Of course right. [/Yente]
I'm Not Who I Was--ugh, back when I listened to the Christian station they played that song SO MANY TIMES. Along with Who Am I by Casting Crowns (cliches galore) Never Ending by David Crowder-with-a-random-asterisk-somewhere-in-here Band, and random other stuff that was the musical equivalent of apple juice, unless you like apple juice.
As for the rest, I have no idea how one band can come up with so many songs and variations of said songs and variations of variations of said songs and then bonus features and DVDs of variations of said songs, not to mention bonus features of DVDs of songs. But as this comment is nearly longer than the post (but not quite; that would be a marvelous feat) that's probably a good thing.
:) I added you to my blogroll and I hate slipcases too.
Sorry. I do normally switch topics mid-sentence.
Hi, Owan!
Finally getting NMOTW?
Yeah, I don't wanna listen to Africa all that much.
But I LOVE the Killing Tree.
And I'm somewhat jealous that you have the It Is You single. But not 100%. I just want the Cellphone Nosebleed remix of Shine. XD
This has to be one of my favorite blog entries by ANYONE ever.
Yeah, that cover photo rocks. I'm using that one for the cover on my iTunes and iPod, because I couldn't find the final one. :D :D
Lucky you! HWAG, NMOTW, It is You single... I'm jealous. :P
Ha! I'd never heard of the Shine Nosebleed Cellphone mix before. I wonder where they come up with these names. They're very original, that's for sure.
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