Bite-Sized NewsBoys eXtra #7
Song: Joy
Album: Shine: The Hits

Just about my favorite Newsboys song ever. Peter wrote it during one of the saddest times in his life. A time that by the world’s standards should be one of the happiest times. Because, you see, Peter had it. Had it all: money, fame, great house, good car, gold records, all that but he wasn’t at all happy. He’d told himself for years "this will make me happy" so he went and strove for that and it didn’t make him happy so he decided "I need that too, the two combined will make me happy" he said that many times and finally he had everything and there was nothing to go strive after, nothing to distract himself from the fact that he really wasn’t happy. He was now –quite frankly– backed into a corner and had no were else to go, no were to run if you know what I mean so he went to God and that’s were he found happiness. That’s were the joy is: with God, and it’s a joy that’s unspeakable so I’m shutting up now.

Bite-Sized NewsBoys eXtra #8
Song: Praises
Album: Shine: The Hits

"Tears have fallen, water beads,
Wipe the flour with my regrets." Love that lyric. The song is pretty simple: because God is amazing and worthy of praise and been so good to me I will sing his praises and sing forever.

Bite-Sized NewsBoys eXtra #9
Song: Who?
Album: Shine: The Hits

See earlier post. It feels like I wrote that a century ago…but that was only about a year ago.

(Imported from HomeschoolBlogger.)