But it's Never Been the Same Since You've Been Gone

I'm excelling in long titles, lately. If anyone can guess what song those lyrics are from I shall be most impressed. If you don't know I shan't faint.

As most of you know, yes, Peter Furler, the guy who started the whole Newsboys thing twenty-two years ago, has announced that he won't be touring any more.

Woah, talk about left field! All you Newsboys haters, Newsboys dislikers, and Newsboys don't carers can leave right about now. Or else you can read this and write sympathetic comments and pretend that you care...I suppose I'll allow that...

I'm not sure what to think right now. This has been about the weirdest two days of my life. It was like walking around in a haze...a haze where the only unhazy thing was the "refresh" button. At first I was unbelieving and then I was just angry, confusing, and wowed. What were they thinking? Why? Wouldn't it have been better to just disband or form a new band? It wouldn't be the same! No matter how much time we're given to get used to Tait it'll never return to what it was...ever.

And then I reached a time of acceptance, I suppose. Peter feels this is right (or that's what I assume, but it makes no sense) and Tait feels he's called to accept the spot. Yes, alright. That's good.

This is just a new leg of their career, I suppose. I shall always miss Peter (and Paul) but am accepting and welcoming Tait (and Jody). There is sadness and sorrow, definitely, but I also feel excited. I shall always be a Newsboys fan, I think. Even when their frontman quits. I eager for this future.

Last thoughts:
1. I'm so glad Peter will "guest" occasional shows, sing in studio, and keep writing and producing.
2. I'm glad Duncan's still around. :P
3. I can't wait for the Aurora, IL show! Squee!
4. Peter sang all the lead vocals on In the Hands of God (not June 1st, Jon Rivers doesn't know what he's talking about)
5. Why aren't they coming to Lifest? *weeps*

Um, yep, still tossing thoughts and questions around but I shall survive.

I think that's all...

Sent from my iPod


Kiwi da Fruit said...

I don' like this! Not one bit! okay, maybe a wee little itsy-bitsy bit. but not much!!

So they really made the switch without telling fans??? That's SO unfair! I mean, let's say I bought concert tickets, I'd be really ticked! I'd have paid to go see and hear Peter and Jody's voices and Duncan and Jeff's drums 'n' keyboards. But instead of that, I'd be surprised with Michael Tait trying to sing Peter's songs. Did he do Shine? HOW does that WORK??? I want to see this. maybe. I don't want to see others singing Peter's songs!! ARGH! The more I think about it, the more horribly confused I get.
I do wish, though, that I could have suddenly gotten a NB MB account and 'yelled' at all the people tearing Pete down before The Announcement. "Hey, it's Peter's life, too isn't it? Oh, wait a sec, did I say TOO? I meant: It's Peter's life! and he and the band decided (probably with much prayer and emotion) that he needed to leave (hopefully only for a while!). Their decision. And I think we need to show some support for Pete! Do you think this was an easy decision for him? I don't! I have a feeling it was debated for some time!"
Sorry to vent all over you! I just HAD to say that to someone besides Ellen.

This morning I couldn't sleep, so I got on the MBs at 4:00, and the place was swarming with people! And it was while reading some of their comments that I decided to definately back Pete.
Just wish I had MB account, Twitter, or Facebook to TELL them that!

Oookay, I think I need to go do something non-NB related. I've been thinking of them ALL day. There's been a slight cloud over my entire day 'cos that's always been in the back of my mind.

I'm really leaving now!

Blueh said...

I agree with Kiwi, to some extent.

But I am relaxed by the fact that Peter isn't TOTALLY leaving.

I wanna support him in every and any way I can... and support the rest of the nb as individual people. Quite frankly, I don't like their choice, either.

But who are we to question God's will?
We might as well wait this out and hope nothing else catastrophic happens to the nb.

netsirK said...

I think I'm fine as long as Jeff or Duncan don't leave.
But the whole thing is so sudden and more than a little odd. *sigh* I'm probably seeing mountains out of molehills, but... *shrugs*