Just listen to the song, ignore the fact the movie part is a commercial.
I woke up at 6AM this morning which felt horrible 'cause I spent most of the night just turning over and over. Didn't sleep much...most unpleasant.
Anyways. Got up, at some toast and eggs, hopped in the van with two of my siblings and spend off right on "time," which is 6:30, with arriving at church in the near future.
The near future being 7AM. Of course, we were actually supposed to be there at 7:30 so I could have "slept" later but I was happy to get up after being bored in bed, dotcha know. So we sat in the church parking lot for fifteen minutes and then the worship team leader dude came and let us in and after awhile the rest of the worship team showed up and they started rehearsing. I sat around listening to them--the drummer is pretty funny and the guitarist's method of foot-tapping amused me, and the bassist said some things to me and was quite nice. :) Wanted to know why I wasn't singing, I said I didn't sing, and he said none of them played but that was why they were up there and whatnot, so, yeah...
At 8AM the pastor's (pah-sta's) daughter showed up. The whole reason I got up early was for this (and possibly also because I wanted to go with the others) she was going to show me the fine art of moderating the lyrics on the screen things. (Our church originally had a screen that they projected the lyrics onto when they met in the highschool, then they moved to their own building and the screen didn't really fit anywhere, so now, two weeks ago, they got two TV screens and put those up and they play the lyrics on them via a computer in the back of the room next to the sound table.) So I sat near her during practice and watched her work child's play on a computer. *is amused* So, yes, in feature weeks I shall work the lyrics. I am working my way up the ladder. :P
So, then I attended first service at 8:30 to, like, 10. Talked to Kiwi, and ShortStuff, and Kirsten, and Jumbo Shrimp, and all those other fine people 'til second service where I sat with the family instead of all on my lonesome. Neither of which I mind unless the siblings yack their heads off during the whole thing. Right? Course right.
Afterwards I talked again with Kiwi and her sister for some fifteen minutes, then they left and we soon followed suit to go to a one of our Bible study member's Easter party thing. I must say, I've never (atleast not as far as I can remember) eaten tacos for Easter, nor did it ever consist of pinatas nor much candy nor pin the tail on the donkey. This was a first but the food was good and the company was interesting and so all is well. Yes...sometime between now and last night one of the earrings I'm wearing lost it's "stone" and then the backing went missing during the party...lost forever, and they weren't even mine. I shall I have to reimburse she whom I borrowed them from. ;)
After that we hoped in our various vehicles and drove back to homebase having spent some ten hours away from it. It doesn't feel like it was quite as long as all that... :P
And so...that is what I did today. I got back and got on the computer and...did various things. Like drooled over graphics tablets and catched up with things, and listening to music and...did little else. Oh, yeah, I messed around on BoxedUp for a bit, that site amuses me (giving gifts in a organized manner! *snorts*) but I've signed up anyway. :P So far I have eight things on my "want" list. My birthday's in sixty-seven days. ;)
That would be what I did today. Wasn't it interesting? :P
Closing news, this week my Mother shall likely schedule a eye appointment for myself. (I-yi-yi. Oi.) Yes, the news has hit the headlines, I'm going blind, woot woot.
Ello, happy eastah! :D um. Poor you. :( My mom and my brother and my dad all went blind...mom was like I love carrots eat carrots they help your eyes. and now she has bifocals. Heheheheh. and my brother can't see goodly, and my dad is near-sighted...or...far-sighted...i dont know.
Anyway. poor you. :( Will you not be able to type anymore? D: *gasp* *horror* *weird noises*
Happy Easter! Oh, are you going to going our "blind" club? :P It's not that bad. :P Well... :P :P
What is the name of the Bible study member? Or can you describe them? Sorry, I'm just so curious. :P
~Queen Lucy~
Merry Easter! Or late Easter.
Ugh, I hate not being able to go to sleep. Not only is it boring but it ruins the whole next day.
I like your pronunciation guide.Shedyool and Pahsta! XD
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