"I Will Go Mad!"

"He chewed happily for a few moments and then decided formally to announce his decision.
He stood straight and looked the world squarely in the fields and hills. To add weight to his words he stuck the rabbit bone in his beard. He spread his arms out wide.
'I will go mad!" he announced.
'Good idea,' said Ford Prefect, clambering down from the rock on which he had been sitting.
Arthur's brain somersaulted. His jaw did push-ups.
'I went mad for awhile,' said Ford, 'did me no end of good.'
Arthur's eyes did cartwheels.
'You see...' said Ford.
'Where have you been?' interrupted Arthur, now that his head had finished working out.
'Around,' said Ford, 'around and about.'"
-- Douglas Adams; Life, the Universe, and Everything

Sent from my iPod


Kiwi da Fruit said...

Hey, Kristen!
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday, dear Kristen.......
Haaaaappy Biiiiirthdaaaaay, toooooo yoooooooouuu!

I'm working on a card to send you, but I got the dates mixed up and thought that your birthday was next week. (Please don't kill me!) So it'll be a few days late, but hey, it's the thought that counts, eh?
I hope you're feeling better today, it being your birthday an' all.

Love ya!
Oh, sorry I missed our rondevous on Sunday! By 8, Mom and Dad were home and Dad was on the computer. Yet another reason for a computer of mine owne....

Daughter of Eve said...

Oh, so Heather already has someone to marry? lol, wonder what his name is. :P Which friend has it all sorted? :P Well, we do have an idea of someone you could marry and it seems you might work but we're not sure... We might wait a few years and see how you turn out first. :P :P Sorry I never replied to your last email, things have been kinda busy and crazy around here. :)

~Queen Lucy~

Daughter of Eve said...

Been thinkin' a lot about courtship lately, huh? :P At least you've read two books about it! :P

~Queen Lucy~

Daughter of Eve said...

Hey Kris, I'll set about memorizing the script. :D Do you mind if I scratch "It's enough to make one sweario!" though? Comment back or email me. :) I just don't exactly feel like saying that... ;)

~Queen Lucy~

Kiwi da Fruit said...

How about "It's enough to make one Swoonio!"
I haven't a clue what the rest is about, but it fits!

Daughter of Eve said...

lol! :P ;)