Two of those hours were spent at home this morning. Eating breakfast, dressing, preparing my costume. :) At this point Scott arrived (three minutes early even--score one for Scott) and we drove his Mustang into town. Very darling of him to pick us up. :) We went to church and babysat three little girls for four hours. Two of them were so cute! They're identical twins and just darling! :D
We at lunch at this point and our group of charges went to seven instead of three. We had two or three cups spill at lunch. :P
We babysat for another three and a half hours. I stayed awake for most of it but started feeling a little bleary by the last hour or so. We (Kate, Scott, and I) then hung around for a half hour or so. Before going to Subway at about 4:10 or 4:20. Our Subway was provided by the Next-Gen budget which was pretty awesome--and we only spent, like, $8. (Amusing detail: we created a great deal of rucus well waiting in line. We talked about deadly and not-so-deadly diseases and vaccines. :P )
After Scott took us to Subway we headed back to the church where we ate our sandwhiches, drank our soda, and munched our chips. (Scott didn't get anything 'cause he didn't think he could manage it before going on stage.)
Our actors arrived and we rehearsed a few times before our preshow group arrived and they rehearsed. We aren't the most organized corn rows. :P
We preformed at seven. Our preshow did very nicely. :) A girl sang Lion by Rebecca St. James well her sister played the piano and her dad played guitar.
Our first act was a total mess! We missed a line and that threw everyone off but they kept the ship from sinking and plowed forward. (Score one for our Mrs. BRton and our Quentin!) We messed up badly but I heard some people say they didn't even notice and all the ad-lib-ing got some pretty good laughs.
I totally flunked my curtain duty. I missed my cue! Weeeeeep. I'll be moarnful about this for ages. It's why I don't act--I take fails waaay too seriously. ;)
Heather played The Easy Winners after the intermission, then we had our second act. :) It went much more smoothly, it also got some pretty good laughs. :) All the actors did amazingly--first and second act! (Scott, who has been freaking out for the last week and all of today, came back behind stage whispering "We did it!" to everyone. :) Yes, Scotty J--, I knew we'd due it and that you'd be fine. :) And if you'd eaten something you wouldn't feel so starved.
I forgot to get a cast photo. I'm displeased.
Then we sat around talking for almost an hour, then I went home with the family. Now it is past 10:30 and I have been awake for almost seventeen hours!
Back to church I go in the morning. :)
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