No Time Like the Present to Procrastinate

"My ambition is handicapped by laziness." -- Charles Bukowski

So, today I was going to be all industrious and hardworking and productive and then....

Yeah. I got an A on my geometry (that is a rare sight! I'm very happy!) and just barely got an A- in my biology. I stayed up late yesterday eating ice cream to keep myself awake and studying--I was so sure I would not retain any of the information I'd forced into my head, but I thankfully retained enough. :)

I also cleaned the front and back halls and the middle room. I definitely didn't make it look like something out of a interior design magazine ( :( ) but atleast we now have a clear path from the front door to the kitchen to the bathroom for study tomorrow. I'm going to clean another path to the TV and reclean all the paths I made today tomorrow.

I also made lunch (potato salad--there is, like, no food in the house right now!) and supper (chicken with I-forget-what on it, something with garlic in it, and acorn squash).

Hopefully I'll get my act together and accomplish something real tomorrow!

(Yes, the post for the blog challenge is coming. That is another thing I didn't get to today. I would do it now but I am very tired so I'm going to bed, I'll get it done tomorrow.)

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