
I have written several blog posts in the last two weeks, as you can see I haven't posted most of them. You can all debate on the reason behind this.

Right now I am not feeling so hot. I have no motivation. None. Zip. Zero. I haven't had any since last Friday or so and since then things have been slipping through my fingers. Well, things are always slipping for me but right now it's doing so at a faster rate then usual. Normally, when I'm motivated, the stuff that I'm not getting to, the things that are falling behind 'cause me huge amounts of stress. Right now, because I am neglecting everything I have no interest in the fact it's falling away. "Whatever," I say. It's kind of annoying, I don't know about the rest of you but I do have this "it's all or nothing" mentality. Like I said, it's annoying, it's stupid, too.

On Saturday I saw the play Fiddler on the Roof. It was great. I was really nervous before hand, because it could either be great and awesome or poorly acted and pathetic--it was great and awesome. :D I was, of course, disappointed about a few things, such as Matchmaker, Matchmaker; the way the actors often didn't look their parts (poor tailors are not supposed to be over weight) and they didn't use their hands enough); the end of Tevye's Dream; little simple things like that. My favorite characters were Fruma Sarah and Chava with Fyedka (not only because he has a cool Russian name) following at their heels. My favorite scenes were "To Life!" and Tevye's Dream and the scene where Chava asks Tevye to except her and Fyedka (such a sad, sad scene). The costumes were very good and the music was excellent.
And, of course, thanks to the nice dude who let me trade seats with him. Thanks muchly, Scott, for the fun night and, of course, the excellent food. :)

I am very disinclined to study at the moment. I feel like I'm, in biology, at a halt without any index cards, which is foolish because it's very possible to study without them, it would just be harder and it makes a good excuse. I have no excuse in geometry so I will have to do some before the day ends. I should spend my biology-less time by stepping up my Latin which is continually falling by the wayside. (I'm not a particular fan of language.) Uncle Tom's Cabin is a better book than I thought it would be. About a hundred pages in and, so far, so good.

What is "normal"? Sometimes I fall victim to peer pressure. Kids my age are finishing highschool (not desperately trying to see if they can possibly finish before they are twenty-one), hanging with friends, texting, playing video games/watching TV, being--dun, dun, dun--bored. Chesterton says that boredom is a disinterested mind not a disinteresting subject. I have noticed that boredom is currently popular. That and being tired. I hear people say they are those two things all the time. Me? I feel tired after -8 hours of sleep or after a long day's work but not on a regular basis, I haven't felt bored in years for there is always something to see or do or accomplish (besides, when a body has two jobs, housework, schoolwork, family, and friends a body hasn't time to be bored!), and I crave cookies and mashed potatoes regularly. :)
I feel different. The difficult question for me is, is that true? Am I different? Yes? No? What am I comparing myself to, what makes me feel so different? ...anyways. Enough trying to figure out the world. Figuring out the world is more mind boggling than figuring out Lost, a scary thought. We'll leave it to the crippled grey experts. ;)

This is a strange post, anyone else noticing that?

Life currently consists of getting ready for the store's closing in two months. The mall we have our store in is going out of business. Mixed feelings about that. Our business will continue but it's movement in that place is ending. We have two million tons of stuff (eh, junk) in the store that needs to be moved out. We're starting with the books, we're packing them up in 250 book incrimints and sending them to a company who will manage them and sell them and send us a portion of the profits. So far, so good. It's so great to get this stuff (eh, junk) out of our lives. So many mixed feelings over all the stuff that happens in relation to The Business, it's leaving me busier than usual. The days are long, but really, life is life and no really good reason to complain.

On Sunday we met a guy named Josh, we drove to church together. He is homeschooled froma largish family--we spent all of Sunday together so far we have zip and zero in common. :P We grew up in very different places, he's very interested in gardens a vitimins and essential minerals whereas we're inclinded toward proteins and such, he is not used to our craziness and familiarity and we're unused to the way he doesn't laugh.... Eventually we will understand him, he will understand us, and we'll all be great friends. I hope.

I was recently told by an adult in my life that the reason my friend who is a guy is my friend is because he thinks I'm good looking. I find that seriously horrible. Do I say to a fellow gal, "I like the way you do your hair so, can we be friends?" That's so humbug. I am disgusted. Why no interest in who someone actually is? I do not feel inclinded to believe this information, I'd much rather forget it.

There are no cookies in the house right now, a serious malady that one of my baking inclinded sisters should mend. They are not mending it. Life is pain. :(

The end.

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