Why the Sea is Boiling Hot

The scene opens in a living room furnish with a couch, two love seats, several shelves, a piano, and a TV. Kristen is alone, sweeping and picking up abandoned toys. Another girl enters, stage left.
Girl (sitting on floor): I get bored too easily.
Kristen is still picking up when a second girl enters.
Second girl (flops on couch): I'm bored. B.O.R.E.D. Bored.
Kristen keeps cleaning and is still picking up the insane amount of legoes on the floor when a third girl enters, stage left.
Third girl (dressed in party clothes, leaning against the wall): I'm bored. What am I going to do for the next hour?
Kristen takes this as a good opportunity to say that she does not understand bored people. She goes back to cleaning and the three girls wander off. The end.

Okay. That isn't exactly how it went but there were tons of legoes, they did all say they were bored, and I did comment on my lack of understanding. I post this because it amused me and it seems like a good intro to what I was going to say anyway.

Boredom. I have heard "I'm bored" so frequently in the last month or so it isn't even slightly funny. How can anyone be bored so constantly? I know a guy who seems quite content to sit in a corner and look bored all day long. Yes, he admits to the fact that he is bored and doesn't just look bored. Chesterton says boredom is a "disinterested mind." I know, myself, some subjects that disinterest me in a very great way but what I am witnessing is not occasional boredom to some subject. I'm seeing boredom of life, a life-is-boring mentality. It confuses me and sends my poor brain into a tizzy. Bored when there are things to see, places to go, stuff to touch, smells to smell, sounds to be heard, and things to taste? I don't understand how anyone could possibly feel that way! This world and the people in it and the God of it are so amazing--how can someone not have an interested mind?

A question: is this bored state of mind Christian? I am inclined to think no, but I am no very great scholar.

Last time I posted I was having, as you recall, a very disheartened week. It perked slightly on Wednesday night, then, last night, it sky rocketed. Currently I am having the best day I've had in a long time. Everything is wonderful. The sun even came out a little this morning. :)

The reason for my bliss? No stress! Thing is, yesterday I had loads of free time to study. Observe:
Woke at 6AM, settled down to study. Did a load of laundry. Made breakfast. Had breakfast table chore duties. Did a phonics lesson with Erik and David. Studied. Ate lunch. Studied. Had supper making chores. Ate supper. Checked Facebook. Studied. Got a 100% on my science test! Turned off my alarm, went to bed a little after ten and did not open my eyes until 7:40AM!

Therefore, today I have zero studying. Therefore, no stress. Therefore, happy me! (We all know that my 100% has nothing to do with my giddiness, right? :P )

Speaking of science, here's another question/ponderable: what would happen to an organism with an open circulatory system if it was on the moon? There's less gravity there than here so the blood wouldn't flow as quickly/smoothly. Would the organism be able to handle that? Would it die a slow death over a few hours/days? Or would the whole organism die within a matter of minutes? I tried to Google the answer but got nothing. :(

Because I got so much done yesterday I have a free Saturday for once! The only thing I need to do today is read some stuff but, you know me, reading isn't a chore! I would probably read something whether I needed to or not. I've been pretty relaxed today, the only thing non-lazy thing I've done today is cleaned, as you read earlier, and I had breakfast table chores.

Speaking of cleaning, I don't know why I keep attempting to clean my parent's house. Seriously. Today I was picking up the living room, I swept the floor and before I picked the toys out of the pile and swept the dust into the trash the little kiddies had dumped some of the (folded) laundry on the floor and deposited a few new toys on the floor. O.o
Needless to say, I finished what I was doing and swept again. Then moved on to the back hall, laundry, and bathroom--I washed my hands several times during this one.

So now, eventually I am going to go and clean the middle room (creative title, I know) because it sorely needs it (not that I can do much!) and I'm not going to have time to do the little I can do again any time soon, I'm sure. Also, I should see what needs to be done in preparation for tomorrow and do it and read a little more of my book.

Oi. I am the giddiest person alive right now. :P The happiness abounds! Joy, joy, joy!

Last question, do people who fidget have their limbs fall asleep more often or less often than people who don't? The tingle and stiffness you feel is because of slowed blood flow because of a prolonged period in a cramped position, right? I'm thinking fidgeters aren't in any sort of position long enough for their limbs to fall asleep? My leg is asleep right now.

On the post title: whoever doesn't get it is depraved and illiterate. Poor things.

1 comment:

Heather said...

What a very clever title. Of course I got it.

