1. I am decidedly short of time this week but, yet, here I am posting anyway. Let me tell you--it is very poor time management. ;)
2. Today was the first day of the rummage sale we are having this weekend. I am moderately disappointed with our sales but I am thankful that we did better today than we have done. I hope tomorrow, Saturday is even better! :)
I also hope that it won't be as widdy tomorrow! It got really annoying continually picking up the things that blew over and our sign would not stay put. Amalie had a lot of fun chasing an escaped $10 bill which she did, thankfully, catch.
Oh, goodness. I do hope we do better tomorrow! I would really like to get rid of a significant amount of stuff so we don't have to cart it to Goodwill or put it away again until next time. I wish more people would buy the big stuff and not the cheap little stuff. :(
3. Today I am finally making the PowerPoint presentation for Sunday. I was going to do it yesterday but I didn't really want to because I didn't have everything I wanted so I ended up doing blog things instead. Now I am in a time crunch and will likely stay up late tonight, get up early tomorrow, and then be tired while trying to be polite to potential customers.
I was told that over the week the mess with the computer and TVs got fixed. I hope that, on Sunday, I find it fixed to my Very High Standards. I would rather not have ugly slides again! :P
Of course, this isn't saying that I don't always have ugly slides, I would just rather not that anyone thing that that height of ugliness was my own fault. (Oh, and, BTW, this week's slides are really terrible and horrible and detestable. The sung lyrics won't line up the way I want them, too! I hate it when they are not perfect, which is just about every time.)
4. Blog things: this is 'pecifically writing the blog post that I posted yesterday and copying several months of HSB posts into this blog's archives.
This is the only blog I write in and I have had two blogs before it, I don't want to continue the other blog but I also do not want to lose the posts so I have been copying them in here and marking which blog they came from.
Writing this out takes a great deal of courage because all those posts are seriously juvenile and I would rather no one ever learned of them. :P
5. Rejoice with me, O my friends! I am oh so close to graduating! I did have two books left to read earlier this week but one of those books became a set of four books instead. I only have two books in that set left to read and then just the one more. The last one I suspect to be a hard one because I do not know exactly what it is or where to find it or such like, all I know if the subject--I may end up loosing time trying to get the appropriate book into hand.
Let me tell you, I am quite eager to finish and henceforth be allowed to choose when and how I will learn the things I want to know. (Yeah, like that will ever happen.)
You might be interested in this, today I decided that I will never attempt a career in government. Economics, however.... ;)
6. I have fallen in love with tomatoes broiled with mayonaise, pepper, salt, and onion powder. I crave them just about 24/7. I have also been saddened several times in the last little while because we are out of ranch dressing and I like to have my chicken with ranch. :( I like the taste and also the contrast of the cold dressing and warm/hot chicken.
I am looking for another something to dip chicken into, any ideas or recipes? I am thinking, particularly, something with tomatoes. :)
7. "Five percent of the people think;
ten percent of the people think they think;
and the other eighty-five percent would rather die than think." -- Thomas A. Edison
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