
Everyone, notice how I finally updated that little "currently reading" thingibob in the corner. One of my November goals was to finally finish A Godward Life by John Piper. I didn't actually finish it until yesterday. It was pretty good, Piper annoys me occasionally but most of the chapters were interesting. I get the impression that abortion is a topic that he is very interested in.

I'm glad I finally finished it after receiving it as a gift in June. I am now reading Lord of the Flies. Of all the opinions I've heard about that book they have all been negative except one. I am preparing for the worst but trying to remain objective. So far, after the first chapter, I have learned that the characters in this book (a bunch of young boys) have no qualms about running around in their birthday suits. There is also one character ("Piggy") who wears glasses, it is kind of annoying how often his glasses are referred to. It seems that he is wiping them off every other paragraph. Does this kid have a life outside of wiping his glasses off?

Speaking of glasses, I really do not like mine. Be honest, they are an ugly shape. There is a sale on a glasses site at the moment, 50% off their top ten pairs. Sometime, when I am wallowing in spare cash I will be sure to have at least a dozen pairs off glasses that I like. (Something like this girl, and hers aren't even prescription. She just wears them because she likes to. I think.)

It's almost eleven. I should go to bed. I think I will make pancakes for breakfast tomorrow, I love me some pancakes. I'll save all my other delightfully entertaining chatter for some other time.

1 comment:

Kiwi D. Fruit said...

So now I'm wondering how "Piggy" can wipe his glasses off when he's in his birthday suit?
And, as a side-note, a little girl in Jo-Anns was looking at the pattern books with her mother, and told another lady there that they were making a 'birthday suit' for her sister. =D