I know, some of you have an idea running though your head at this very moment. An idea that nobody can refer to themselves as an "electronics and such like junkie persona" if I have a Windows and not a Mac. Okay, so, first of all I do not have cash to burn--
"Hey little girl with the cash to burn"
--and second, once a Windows user always a Windows user. So, hush your mouth and go read somebody else's blog, thank you very much.
On Saturday I went to the Rock and Worship Roadshow with two of my sisters and one of my friends. It was great! I did the driving and did not get lost or kill any body, I think that is a pretty good accomplishment of which I should be commended with cake and expensive gifts.
We arrived at our destination a few minutes short of three hours before the concert was scheduled to start. Kelsey and I left our two other companions to hold us a place in line and we went to get food. We were gone for about an hour.
The GPS wouldn't work and we had no idea where any of the fast food stores in M. were located. We drove for awhile in one direction and then turned around and tried another direction. Finally we got the GPS to work and located a Subway. We hurried as fast as we could ordered four six-inches and hurried back.
We were greeted by a couple of unpleasant middle-aged women and the news that the crew people had announced that they were planning to open the doors to the public half an hour early. Oh, great. We had about five minutes to wolf down our sandwiches and soda. This is mostly where the rude ladies came into the picture.
Anyways. So, I admit, some remaining food and soda was smuggled into the place by a quartet of teenagers. I admit, you can take back your cake and expensive gifts.
No, you actually cannot, especially because the cake is currently being digested.
I did feel really bad about the fact that our food was so very unwonderful. I mean, seriously, how fun is food when it has to be inhaled and you don't actually end up getting half of it? Seriously, now, friends. It stinks! Big time.
The concert was actually very good. I was totally bummed that Jars of Clay wasn't there. Boohoo. I did complain about it for several minutes, several minutes at least. Hello, that was one less band that I was actually interested in.
Officially, the lead singer from Disciple is Anorexic, he was so seriously skinny, pale, and clammy. Typical screamo artist traits. I admit that I do not have any sort of knowledge of screamo artists so I cannot say with any certainty or credibility whether or not anorexia is actually a typical screamo artist trait.
Also, what's his name lead singer from The Afters has a super ugly haircut.
Oh, and the two lead guitarists (I think they were guitarists) were awfully good looking. So much more so then Anthem Lights. Anthem Lights were more check-us-out-we're-so-hot while the MercyMe guys were just normal and not so much look-at-me-ish.
It was a good time! Not because I was a fan of the band or anything. I had more fun before and after and during the intermission than at the actual concert.
After the concert my sister and Claire got Anthem Lights to autograph their shoes. Kelsey and I ran into someone we knew when we were very little. He was the terror of the Sunday School. Such a nasty little boy! Haha. I was kind of surprised that we both recognized each other after not laying eyes on each other for 7-8 years. I also saw somebody who I am pretty sure I recognized as the actor who played Harold Hill in the highschool play I saw earlier this year. There was another woman in the crowd who looked mindbogglingly familiar but I couldn't think who she was. It was so crazy! She looked so familiar but I couldn't for the life of me come up with her name or where I had seen her before.
After the autographs and such we went to Culvers for ice cream. The guy who went with us didn't know the way so he followed us. I was pretty pleased with myself for not loosing him. I would've felt pretty bad if I had lost him.
I ordered vanilla ice cream with oreos and Andes' mint candy things. Most fantastically delicious. My tastebuds had their party at this time and my head went to bed with an ache after its party. Too much loud music, I did have a slight headache.
We chatted and ate our ice cream and bemoaned the fact that we all had to wake up at a decent hour the next morning.
I am going to a sweetheart dance this weekend. A spinster party the one day and a sweetheart dance the next. Haha If I had a whole bunch of pink, red, or heart-covered articles of clothing I would totally dress up.
I'm glad you had a good time! Sounds like a great day. :)
A sweetheart dance AND the party? My, you're busy. ;)
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