Your job is to read the lyrics and guess the name of the song, artist if you feel so inclined. If you get it right, yay you! If not, that's sad, but thanks for playing
Winner will receive no sort of monetary gain. Sorry. It's just the way things are.
Let's start off with an easy one.
1. "Mama/Just killed a man/Put a gun against his head/Pulled my trigger, now he's dead"
2. "Hallelujah, can you hear the angels sing?/Hallelujah, everywhere it's echoing?"
3. "Hush my darling, don't fear my darling/The lion sleeps tonight"
4. "Why should I boast in His reward?/I cannot give an answer/But this I know with all my heart/His wounds have paid my ransom"
5. "Her laugh, her laugh, she hates but I think it's so sexy"
6. "And we praise You, Lord for what Your hands have done"
7. "Here comes the sun/Here comes the sun and I say/It's all right"
8. "Holy water of grace release me now/Wash away the fear and the evil sounds"
9. "Isn't he bold?/No one braver/Isn't he sweet?/Our favorite flavor"
10. "And Lord haste the day when my faith shall be sight"
11. "Just one look and I can hear a bell ring/One more look and I forget everything"
12. "Or blow me a kiss and that's lucky, too!"
13. "And I'm lookin' in the mirror all the time/Wondering what she don't see in me"
14. "Boy, you better do it soon/No time will be better/She don’t say a word/And she won’t say a word"
15. "Jesus sought me when a stranger/Wandering from the fold of God"
16. "Our time is short/This is our fate, I'm yours/Someday I'll wish upon a star"
17. "No more memories, no more silent tears/No more gazing across the wasted years"
18. "When we walk with the Lord in the light of His Word/What a glory He sheds on our way!"
19. "The earth shall soon dissolve like snow/The sun forbear to shine"
20. "Welcome to the planet/Welcome to existence."
...And the song that plays after I hit my twenty songs. A Girl Worth Fighting For from Mulan. Bummer. :(
1. Bohemian Rhapsody, either by Queen OR the Marc Martel version, which I like better.
3. The Lion Sleeps Tonight
4. How Deep the Father's Love For Us
5. Just the Way You Are. (I should know that one, you were singing it all day!)
6. In The Hands of God, Newsboys!
10. It Is Well
15. Come Thou Fount
19. Amazing Grace (possibly 'My Chains are Gone')
20. Dare You To Move, Switchfoot.
1. Bohemian Rapsody
3. The Jungle Song or whatever by the Beach Boys
4. I'm stumped
5. The Way You Are, Bruno Mars
6. Newsboys
10. It is Well
11. Somthing from Mama Mia
12. Chim Chim Cherry (Chimney Sweep Song)
14. Kiss the Girl
15. Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing
17. Wishing you were somehow here again
18. Trust and Obey
19. Amazing Grace by Issac Watts or My Chains are Gone by Chris Tomlin
I like this post haha. I'm not gonna write it all down tho, cause I'm just lazy like that... :)
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