Seven Friday Shorts

1. Lunch. I need a new, revolutionary, extremely genius lunch revamp. Currently my options are fast food and sandwiches. The former is time-consuming and costly and the second, unless you're doing peanut butter and jelly is costly and doesn't taste all the fantastic. Right?

My thought is that I need to brainstorm and come up with a few cheap, healthy staple items with which I can make several different meals. One of the staples will be tomatoes cause I have a hankering for tomatoes right now.

2. I blew a hundred bucks one day last week. I paid for four people to eat at IHOP and then three people to see a movie and then a new pair of shoes that I needed. Total for the day: one zero zero.

How do adult people handle their money? I'm pretty good about saving money but I'm not very good at making what's left last me until my next paycheck. I need a system, I love systems. But I need one that isn't a huge hassle. And that actually works.

I want to get into the use of paying for things with cash. I love to pay for things with cash. Having cash means I'm consuming vending machine junk. Must be more self-disciplined.

3. I am a fan of the song Valerie, made famous by Amy Winehouse (I think). Any of you heard it? It's kind of awesome. It reminds me of someone I used to know that I was quite fond of her. I haven't seen her in such a long time. So sad. :( Anyways--awesome song!

4. Thursday was the most insane (and strangely hilarious) day at the ol' job. I spent ten hours rushing around like a crazy person and just laughing at the chaos. Oh, it was good. I'd have to tell the actual tale in person.

My shift wasn't let go until 7:30 which was too late for the plans I had had for the evening so I volunteered to stay on and help second shift finish up. I only stayed a half hour because if I worked over ten hours they would've had to give me a third break. So, I left at eight. Everyone thanked me profusely for staying the extra half hour. I felt/feel a little silly about that because, yes, I stayed but did I accomplish extreme feats in the process of staying? Not really. I scanned fifteen boxes and repacked, like, five boxes. Honestly, not worth mentioning.

I also got me an error on Thursday. I expect I got one today, too. But hey, if I worked forty-two hours and only made two errors, that's not too bad, right?

5. Today was such a beautiful day, I went out for lunch. I drove with the windows down, the sun was shining. It was awesome. The sun and I? We get along very well. On the way home tonight I drove with the sunset behind me. It was magical. Every time I get off early enough to see the sunset, it's always an amazing one. Look me in the face and tell me that's not awesome.

6. I got to go to Bible study on Wednesday. Ephesians and you were dead in your transgressions and sins. And Halloween candy. Good stuff.

7. Sweat, sweat, sweat. It's November, why so much sweat? (TMI, much?)


Shawn L said...

2. Dave Ramsey - Live on a budget. Determine all of your bills for the month, determine how much you are going to spend on all fun items vs. bills vs. giving vs. savings at the beginning of the month and live on that. If you commit a certain amount of money each month to fun stuff that is good, and don't go past it.

Ok I'm like a geek with this stuff so if this doesn't work for you you can find something else. Still Dave Ramsey is very helpful.

You can get yourself into problems early in life if you don't plan out now. I know many people who pay and pay continuously from early adult stuff regarding money

Shawn L said...
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Shawn L said...

ha since you are saving now you probably won't get into trouble. Biggest thing when young don't use credit cards, it's so tempting for some. :)

Oh here's our system we use.

I get paid bi-weekly. My wife basically takes out a certain amount of cash each week for the weekly - food, entertainment, clothes, etc everything like that. We use that for the week in cash only. I get a small amount each week to do whatever I want with it.

I also auto-deduct money to savings the day I get paid so it is gone before I get my check so to speak.

We used to do an envelope system where Jessica would have a certain amount of cash for the week in all of these envelopes, but she found it annoying so she just has a certain amount of cash she takes out each week for all entertainment/food and can't use any more than that. We adjust it each year based on what Jessica needs or feels she would like us to change.

For example we used to pay cash for gas, but switched that to the debit card because it's more convenient and lowered the cash amount she gets each week.

We never spend money we don't have. We are extremely careful with debt, but having a good savings plan helps with that. I just have our house debt now no other debt for 5 years.

---I hope this was helpful in some way. :) If not sorry...