
Today I did something I swore to myself I would never do.

I signed an error percentage sheet today at work. It was for two week ago, the week that was really busy. I worked forty-seven hours that week, I think. I picked an average of 197 lines per hour. I scanned 7,100 and something lines.

That's more lines than anybody else by a margin of a couple hundred.

Thing is, I made ten errors. Do the math, that's .0014%. Not good! (The goal is .0005% or less.)

And thus a sheet was signed. I've never signed an error percentage sheet before but I've witnessed other people sign it. Well, watching them sign it I made a pact with myself to never, ever need to sign such a sheet.

Well. Yeah. New goal. Never sign another one. ;)

It's kind of interesting that I had error issues today because that is what I dreamed about last night. I dreamed I went to work this morning and someone came up to me and told me I made thirty-four errors the day before (Monday). It was a horrible dream, I woke up from it and was so relieved that it was just a dream.

I fell asleep again and dreamed the same dream except that I'd made 21 errors, not thirty-four. Eventually I woke up, went to work, and learned the actual number of errors. Zero. :)

So far this week: zero errors.

Last week: six. I picked 6,900 and something lines--again, highest! My rate was 197 lines per hour. The calculator tells me that that is .00086%. Like I said, .0005% is the goal but everything is done by average and percent. Last week's work shouldn't warrant a sheet.

...I am entirely much too fond of numbers and statistics.

1 comment:

Eric Schonblom said...

Hate to mention this, but...

Ten errors in 7100 lines is a fraction of 0.001408. But the percentage is 100 times the fraction or 0.141%. A goal of 0.0005 percent would be a fraction of 0.000005, or five errors in a million lines.