Seven Friday Shorts

1. SO! I'm a gonna blog cause I got things to say. Stuff like, I'm hot, and I'm hungry, and other exciting not very exciting news.

2. I just developed a hankering to own a pair of shorts that I saw in Target last weekend. They were an awesome, but indescribable color. Maybe burnt orange? I would wear them and they'd probably make my white legs look even whiter.
(But if I wore shorts I would have to shave my legs which I was too lazy to do this morning so I wore pants to work. Bad idea. I worked on the top level which is the hottest level. Awesome.)

3. It's hot and sticky. I used self restraint and left the "so" out of that sentence. I'll use that word in a month and I'll use "so very" in two months. In three months time, come, say, August, I'll just write, "I'm gonna die." Straight and to the point.

4. The other day someone called me shawty. If you are not much aware of pop culture, shawty means an attractive female. Or it could just be used as a general term of addressing an individual regardless of their gender, attractiveness, and/or height.

5. Food. My life is overwhelmed by food. I love food. I mean, I love edible substances. It doesn't have to be food. Things like candy and doughnuts. I love them too. Currently I am craving onion rings, ice cream, peanut m&ms, mashed potatoes and meatloaf, pancakes, pina coladas, fruit juices, and fruit flavored iced teas.

6. Speaking of which, I've had The Pina Colada Song stuck in my head all day long. I was singing it at work and one of my co-workers was like, "You're in a good mood! It must be Friday. You're singing and everything." I was feeling pretty chipper just then. Also, do you like pina coladaaaasss? And getting caught in the raain?

7. I am going to buy a vegetable peeler. Maybe tomorrow. I need one to make my life complete.

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