I Love People

Today, at work, I was standing next to my locker checking my cellphone. This guy who I've talked to, once, maybe twice, walked by. He is a friendly, pretty crazy guy.

Anyways. He gave my arm a squeeze as he walked by. I looked up and he gave me the biggest, cheekiest grin ever. He asked me how I was doing and I said very well. I asked the same of him and with that grin, he said, "Oh, I'm here."

Would this be close to the equivalent of getting honked at? Some people seem to constantly have guys hanging out of the windows of their cars honking and whistling any time they go walking down the sidewalk. I've never been honked at. But I can now say I've gotten an arm squeeze from a random male. Yay.

1 comment:

Kate said...

Oooh! An arm squeeze? I think that definitely trumps a honk.