It's 11pm. I refuse to go to bed until 12. When I wake up tomorrow at 6am my head is going to hurt and I will not be happy. But I'm not going to bed now. Why not? Long story. Maybe later.
GodTube drives me nuts. It seriously does! UUUGGGHHH!
I have a T and a O on the backs of my hands. Long story. Maybe later.
There is a line in The Incredibles that goes something like "We're dead! We're dead! We survived but we're dead!!" Such is my anthem right now.
It's forty-five minutes 'til 12. *displays wrath towards GodTube*
I don't like Xanga much...
Um. I leave you with a video.
*just saw a mouse* It came in my room, crawled around the heel of my boot (lying in the doorway, not on my foot) and then slipped under my sister's bed with little mousy cackles. How pleasant.
Anyways. The video...
This one cracks me up just about every time I watch it. Paul rocks. *weeps* Okay, I'm okay, I'm okay. I'll have to let you watch the GO Limited Edition DVD, Kiwi. You must be enlightened as to the proper way to open CDs. I feel obliged to enlighten you, but its my Prescious. I have alot of Presciouses. Someday I should post a picture. Except I'd forget one of them and such would not be good at all. (Yes, do you want to know how I got the GO LE? Long story. Not now.)
And I leave also with this photo...
If no one sees me blame GodTube. Staying up til midnight with a mouse is hardly good for one's sanity. Farewell my friends! Bury my Presciouses with me. Wear fedoras and suits and cloaks and other romantic/poetic clothing to my funeral. Play Joy. And pass out mouse traps as door prizes. So long, farewell.
*puts on fedora, suit and cloak*
We gather today for the funeral of Owan. She was an incredible person, with an incredible name (hehe).
Let's hope that the mouse and Godtube are now sorrowful for the grief they caused her.
And let's hope that her grief for Paul's leave was replaced by flowers of joyness before she passed on.
I can't wait til she blogs again!
I wore a black cloak to your last funeral, if I remember correctly. This time I shall wear my trench coat over my suit. Must be original, y'know. But we cannot forget the fedora. Certainly not.
Yes, I've noticed that GodTube has been the object of your wrath lately... :P
Um...sorry, this post has left me wordless, obviously. *walks off pondering something intelligent/encouraging/snarkily humorous to say, but can think of nothing so just hits Post*
Hehe. Grammar and structure and etc. be funny.
OKAY it's later, tell us your long story...s.
What's it doing now?
Did you name your mousey? :D
CANT WATCH THE VIDEO! *bangs head on video *
Do you has link?
Yes, proper CD opening procedure. I luv it. I always complain when I can't use it on DVD cases.
Mom bought my bro the GO LE. he's good for something after all. :D
Farewell. I'll try to find a fedora and a suit and a cloak but i dunno. Joy is a good song. I want a mouse trap for my brother
Ah, yes! Paul and Pete doing different versions of "Shine." XD I still like the indian version. :P
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