Results and other

Pianolove 65
Joi 20
curufinwe 15
justaname 10
doglvr 5
Disney 5
scrapbookinteen 5
oneoffive 5
snowgirl 5
justaname 5
Luthien 5

It's kinda' nice that pianolove won, I'm her sister so I can just pass her the prize. Thanks for enterying everyone! I'm sorry I was so late to put up the results.

I was tagged! Heres Q & A's now,
1. Look at the picture closest to you. What do you see?
Right now I'm in "the middle room" right above my head is a plack of The Lord's Prayer, behind me is one of The Ten Commandments and in the dinnete also behind me is a picture of a bunch of fruits and vegitables.

2.What does your mousepad look like?
I don't have one, this is a laptop, it has a "touch pad".

3. Reach out your right arm. What do you touch?
If I lean over and reach has far has I possibly can I reach the rocking chair. If I just reach to the right I reach thin air.

4.Look out the window. What do you see?
I all deepends which window I look out I can see 9 from here, but only one is in this room and through it I can see the sunroom (I'm looking though a glass door).

5. Pick up the book nearest to you. Open to the 25th page and read the 7th line.
I was reading this book 20 mins. ago! "Ter to look sloppy than wreck the fruniture."
What is it about? It's a manners book. The "ter" is the last part of 'better'.

6. If you had a garden (or do) what would be/is planted?
Yes I do have a garden! Right now there is a few flowers a pepper and tomato plant. Theres more to come, soon I hope.

7. Are you getting bored yet?
You JK? No way!! This is very interesting. Are you?

8. What is your favorite book over all books?
I REALLY injoy The Chronicles of Narnia (not supprised?) I don't really have a favorite of those, a year or so ago my favorite was Prince Caspian but now I'm not sure.

9. What career do you want to do when you grow up? Max 5.
something to do with computers
hou...Opps I already have 5.

10. What three people do you want to tag?
The new people on my friends list
Luthien, Curufinwe and I guess...RockStar.
Be prephared Oh three.

Does anyone have GIMP? A free downloadable computer program. I just downloaded it last night and was wondering if anyone had it and could give me some tips.

I would post some of my storys up hear but someone could steal them (no offense to those I know wouldn't). But if you want to read them and ones by other girls go to join it and You'll be able to read mine and send in your own!

I should go return some comments.

A Message to All Narnia Fans
Go to forum and join, it's sooooo cool. I'm Orious.

(Imported from HomeschoolBlogger.)