Pianolove 30 (for becoming a member of The Narnia Clan).
justaname 10 (for posting 2 comments).
doglvr 5 (for posting one comment).
We have 9 more days.
I'm borred alot (is anybody else like that?) What do you do when your borred? Mom says to read, but I don't read very much, I have trouble starting a book, but once i do I finish it pretty quick.
My Grandmother called today and Mom let Rebekah listen to Gram's voise. Rebekah's jaw went down like lead. She must have been thinking "Who knows my name?!" it was funny.
Kelsey and I took 3 or so bike rides today. One was to the post office and one was to Ace Hardware, I think we took one more besides that just for fun. We also got our "one bike two person" skills up and running.
I was wondering were you all work? How do you get money? We don't get allowances n my house, so we have to fend for our selfs. We're pretty lucky, we have a kind neighbor that we lawn mow for and let her dogs out when she can't. We also go "Can Collecting" every Friday before the garrbage truck comes along. It's a pretty messy and sticky job but it pays!
Are my posts borring?
How do you all like me template? I'm a HUGE fan of The Cronicles of Narnia so I thought I'd make it reflect what I like.
Lets make a comment shower for "pianolove"! Shes been posting for the last week or two but only has one comment (from her sis).
Check out my web page! www.valerieslivingbooks.com/kristen/ .
(Imported from HomeschoolBlogger.)