All you people out there propbebly aren’t interested but I thought I’d say it anyways, I have a DA account, there I upload resources that other people on the web can download and use for art programs. I just uploaded a new brush set, Song Snazz Volume One. This has tiny-text brushes using snipets of lyrics from different contemporary CHRISTian songs. I’m going to be posting in Cauldron Pool as soon as I finish this post. I’ve learned something new thanks to a tutorial by Q-Kate (qwertykate88 from Nweb) which can be viewed here. I do hope you will all stop by and leave comments on lotsa posts!! Also on the same subject is Narniagirl is using one of the avatars that I made!! This is really exciting for me, it always is, it’s great to know someone likes what I’m going enough to make use of it. You can do it too, you just have to follow the rules stated at Cauldron Pool. Also I like to know if your using it, I love to know.

But let’s cut the commercial and get on to some other things.
I’ve decided to make up a tag. Here are ten questions and two instructions:
1. What would you do if you lost your head?

2. Are all the keys on your keyboard intact?

3. Do you play a instrument?
I kinda kinda, kinda, play the piano, like one simple song.

4. Can you wistle?
I’ve wistled twice in my life.

5. Were would you go if you got a free plane ticket to anywere in the world?
Ummm….I don’t know, go see the GRand Canyon or something…

6. What’s your favorite food?

7. Name five of the songs that you listen to alot. Or just your ultimate favorite song.
Basically anything by MercyMe, Rebecca St. James, and Newsboys that kinda music.

8. Look straight ahead of you, what do you see?
The wall.

9. Do you wear shoes alot?
Yes, 12/7!

And finally the clincher:
10. What shapoo do you use?
Were out of shapoo at the moment.

The Commands:
1. Tag 3 friends off your friends list
2. Pick one friend off your friends list and comment (not tag comment) all there friends
How about JocelynDixon, she as alot of friends.

(Imported from HomeschoolBlogger.)