Huzzah! I now have 3 brothers! Gunnar was born yesterday, I think think the "Big Siblings" party is tonight. Ya know, that makes 11 of use kids!! Mwhahahahhahahah I bet I have more siblings then any of you!
Do you guys like Andy GRiffith or Fiddler On The Roof? As a matter of fact my sisters are singing Tradition right now. But I made some graphicsfrom those two movies, see them here at Cauldron Pool. They both have there funny moments, here are some quotes.
Fiddler On The Roof:
Tevye: As the good book says, when a poor man eats a chicken, one of them is sick.
Mendel: Where does the book say that?
Tevye: Well, it doesn’t say that exactly, but somewhere there is something about a chicken.
Tevye: As Abraham said, "I am a stranger in a strange land…"
Mendel: Moses said that.
Tevye: Ah. Well, as King David said, "I am slow of speech, and slow of tongue."
Mendel: That was also Moses.
Tevye: For a man who was slow of tongue, he talked a lot.
The Andy Griffith Show:
Aunt Bee Taylor: Did you like the white beans you had for supper?
Andy Taylor: Uh huh.
Aunt Bee Taylor: Well, you didn’t say anything.
Andy Taylor: Well, I ate four bowls. If that ain’t a tribute to white beans, I don’t know what is.
Aunt Bee Taylor: Well…
Andy Taylor: Eating speaks louder than words.
Aunt Bee Taylor: You know, your education was worth every penny of it.
Andy Taylor: What are you doing?
Barney Fife: Gun-drawing practice, ten minutes every day. If I ever have to use this baby, I want to teach it to come to papa in a hurry.
Briscoe Darling: Dud, did you tell Ernest T. Bass the Sheriff wanted to see him?
Dud Wash: I couldn’t find him, Mr. Darlin’. His cousin said he went into the woods to kill a mockingbird.
Andy Taylor: He doesn’t sound like a very nice person.
Briscoe Darling: One of the worst we got.
Barney Fife: [about Briscoe's decision not to kill Ernest T] It’s a wise man who knows not to push the limits of the law.
Briscoe Darling: [to Andy] He arguin’ with me?
Andy Taylor: No; he’s agreein’ with you.
Briscoe Darling: Just so I know where I stand.
Ernest T. Bass: I’m a little mean, but I make up for it by bein’ real healthy.
Boy do I love The Andy GRiffith Show!! Gotta love it! Have any of you seen it? I think my absolute favorite one would be the one of the haunted house. It’s hysterical! Barney’s a scream.
(Imported From HomeschoolBlogger.)