And try and be excited with me, if you can.
(I was there. Seriously. LifeFest. Delrious? sang that song. The History Maker. They did. Seriously. I was there. I heard it. I clapped along. And now Paul's doing a cover of it and--ahh!)
(I was there. Seriously. LifeFest. Delrious? sang that song. The History Maker. They did. Seriously. I was there. I heard it. I clapped along. And now Paul's doing a cover of it and--ahh!)
I don't remember being this excited about Prince Caspian...when it came out. It's on DVD now. It came out the other day. But so what? You know, I don't even care. The more I hear about that movie and the more I think about it the more I hate it.
Why did they have to make such a dreadful adaption of my favorite Chronicle?! *wails*
Why did they have to make such a dreadful adaption of my favorite Chronicle?! *wails*
You don't like Prince Caspian? Wow.
I'm excited about Paul's new album, too! :D :D
And in reply to your comment...
Do you have iTunes on a computer (well, der, where else would it be? a calculator?)? I can send you "Big Boy."
It has... a very lovely if somewhat abstract cover.
This Paul Colman dude sounds somewhat familiar...hmm...
*HIDES* Ok ok, I shall go look him up on Wikipedia. Aha--there, enlightenment is such a pleasant state to be in.
I quite like the album name. And the font--Jane Austen, hooray.
I don't remember the last time I was that excited about anything, and certainly not PC, so. :P Oh wait, I believe it was when I finally got The Midnight Dancers.
BTW, it does let you put non-Blogspot blogs on the updates list thingummy. If you wanted to. Which you probably don't, particularly. So never mind.
*wanders off, wondering why Delirious[?] inserted a random punctuation mark into their name*
*gasp *
*hugs pretty cover *
*applause *
I LOVE the books, but...Disney ruined the movies. Do you like the books? If you don't then....hrmph...I'm gonna.....
*roundhouse kick *
Hey! I'm guitargirl ;) I think I've heard of this album b4, is one of the songs on there called If I Was Jesus? Because PC played that live not-to-long-ago on Total Axxess...anyways if I would have been on here a while ago I'll bet I could've guessed most of your song thngie. LOL!
I'm so excited. :D I hope I'll be able to get it. And that has got to be the coolest album cover ever. B-)
Hey Kris! It's Rebekah. Yeah, I understand about Prince Caspian. I was a mixture of amd and sad when I left the theatre. I don't know why they had to do what they did. But, it is better than the BBC one. That one sticks to the book, but the actors and the animation, ugh! I'm not so mad anymore, and ready to watch it again, but if they do that to The Horse and His Boy, I dunno what I'll do. Maybe just boycott Disney and Walden Media forever or something. ;-D
OOOPS! I meant mad, not amd! ;-D
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