The other day (actually it was some two weeks ago) Kiwi posted a interactive tag on her blog. I was the first commenter so I have to do the tag on here too. For the first several commenters I will:
1. I'll respond with something random about you.
2. I'll tell you which song or movie you remind me of.
3. I'll pick a flavor of jello for you to dive into.
4. I'll say something that only makes sense to you and me.
5. I'll tell you my first memory of you.
6. I'll tell you what animal you remind me of.
7. I'll ask you something I've always wondered about you.
8. I'll tell you my favorite thing about you.
9. I'll tell you my least favorite thing about you.
10. If you comment/play, you must post this on your blog.
This will be the first five BlogSpot commenters and the first two Xanga commenters or something else if I don't get that many commenters or I don't get any Xanga comments but instead seven BlogSpot ones or some different combination. So, anyways, comment away!2. I'll tell you which song or movie you remind me of.
3. I'll pick a flavor of jello for you to dive into.
4. I'll say something that only makes sense to you and me.
5. I'll tell you my first memory of you.
6. I'll tell you what animal you remind me of.
7. I'll ask you something I've always wondered about you.
8. I'll tell you my favorite thing about you.
9. I'll tell you my least favorite thing about you.
10. If you comment/play, you must post this on your blog.
Sunday evening at about 5:10pm a van pulled into our newly shoveled (I spent a few years of that afternoon shoveling 1-2in thick melting ice chunks off of it--what fun) and after bringing up a map of a nearby city (if you want to know which one see the Dh website) we climbed in the van with Kiwi and Co. and were officially off and speeding away toward the Downhere Concert. *squeeshriekfaintdiesqueak* We talked all the way there and once there had our tickets ripped and were admitted into the church. (Uh, sorry for crying like that guys. I...It was just that we were finally there and my nerves broke. Hopefully it didn't leave you traumatized?)
Okay, so I didn't do any crying, just alot of toe bouncing. Yay. Anyways. We got in and found seats on the left side about half way back. I had a good seat though.
A moment of dramatic silence, please.
So there we were with three quarters of a hour before the concert to burn so we played the Mongolian Clapping Game. I was snake. Whoever lost had to get up and dance in the aisle for a minimum on fifteen seconds. A very long fifteen seconds but I believe Kiwi and I really took the cake here. Definitely the best dancers.
And then the concert started! Or rather a guy got up (Kiwi can hit me over the head if I get any of these facts wrong) and introduced another guy who said the concert would start in just a few minutes.
Here is where Kiwi and I did something I've always wanted to do. Infact it sounded a bit like a football stadium (only smaller) or a rock concert (only very placid) 'cause we started clapping a rhythm and people joined in and we got faster (someday I also want to start a chant at a Newsboys concert, to get the whole place to start going "News Boys, News Boys, News Boys" over and over would rock) and then Jason Grey --oops, spelling his name wrong, it's Jason Gray-- came out and spoiled the fun. He said we had him rather worried cause it sounded like the beginning of a rock concert. I cheered. Rock ain't a bad thing. He sang some random song and then talked a bit. He had alot of jokes in his speech but he "suffered" from a case of Stuttering/Stammering so I missed half of them 'cause I had trouble understanding him. I've never seen/met anyone who stammered before (the kid in Rigoletto doesn't count) so it was interesting. He seemed like a very nice man.
He, after a little talking and singing, introduced a Jaime Jamgochian. A tall woman in a blue shirt who played the piano and sang quite nicely. She said she was from Boston but she didn't have much of a accent. *is sad* She introduced another man by the name of Daniel Kirkley. He came in, mic in hand, and went and stood next to the microphone stand Jason Gray was using and...he is so short!
Then they introduced a Lanaé Hale. She was pretty and had nice hair and clothes, but I didn't like her voice. It was deep, throaty, and with lots of breath. A Scottish accent would totally fix all that, though...
And then they introduced Downhere. Yay!! They sang a song and I'm trying hard to remember which one. *goes to YouTube*
*comes back after wasting half a hour* Marc reminds me of Paul in the Month of Marc video... *goes to iTunes*
*comes back* Alright...if you really want to know what the song is see the tour or go ask Kiwi. I don't doubt her knowledge. Besides that song I can't remember they played How Many Kings, A Better Way, and Here I Am, the latter of which I love. :D
The whole concert wasn't really like a concert. More like a sing-along, they all sang backing vocals and played their instruments along with each other's songs. That aspect of the concert I didn't like and I would have liked it if they sang The Real Jesus or theotheroneIcanneverrememberthenameofthatdoesn'thaveatitlethislong. The "so called losers" one --bam-- Little is Much. That's what it's called. I like that song and the verses of The Real Jesus.
After the concert we were walking out of the sanctuary and along a hallway toward the foyer when I, being in the front of the line, came to a intersection. Branching off to the side was another hallway that was unlit and halfway barred with a gate/fence that had a "Bethlehem Skyline - Private" sign on it and a hat that looked like Marc Martell's resting on top of it. I thought "oh cool! Wouldn't it be fun to snoop around back there? *evil grin*" and kept walking. Kiwi and Co. were right behind me and they started exclaiming over it, I came back and realized not only was there a hat but a arm! They torture people who sneak back there and hang them up as a warning to the rest of us! Ahh!
Please note: I am not a big Downhere fan. I've heard less than ten of their songs. I've only just figured out who is who. But this is the guy on the radio, this is the guy that people are dying to meet, this is a Canadian, and I was standing beside him. If I ever meet any of my online buddies I think I would feel similar. [/random]
And I have his autograph. Not that that's important or anything.
Next I sidled over toward Daniel Kirkley. Marc M. may be a head taller than me but I'm, like, a head taller than Kirkley. Kiwi and her sister were ahead of me in line and Daniel (I keep wanting to call him David) asked Kiwi if she was a musician because she was wearing a necklace with some musician lingo on it, he noticed me (I was wearing my 'rockstar' shirt, the one I'm wearing in my Twitpic 'cept you can't tell cause my back is turned) and asked if all three of us where musicians. Kiwi and I said no but Kiwi's sister plays the piano so she was the odd one out.
We then made our way to Jason Germain. He had a nice coat on, it was dark and purple and paisley. Very nice. (Yeah, I'm a girl, I notice this kind of thing.) I got his autograph and he told me I had a nice shirt.
Kiwi wanted to know where Glenn Lavender (sp?) was and Jason said we had permission to go hunt him down. So we went back into the sanctuary and he was in there packing up and we got his autograph and a picture. Kiwi dictated what he should write in her notebook ("To Kiwi...") and he was like "Your Kiwi? I thought it was someone from NZ." I'll admit I was mighty jealous at this point.
...And it was almost ten o'clock at this point so Kiwi's Dad hustled us out and we headed home squeeing all the way.
And there you have it. My list of concerts is growing.
Newsboys -twice
GoFish -twice
(I don't actually care for their music.)
33Miles (met and got autograph)
Steven Curtis Chapman
Rebecca St. James (met and got autograph)
Joel & Luke
Peder Eide
Downhere (met and got the autographs of 3/4ths of its members)
Jaime Jamgochian
Jason Gray
Lanaé Hale
David Kirkley (met and got aughtograph)
GoFish -twice
33Miles (met and got autograph)
Steven Curtis Chapman
Rebecca St. James (met and got autograph)
Joel & Luke
Peder Eide
Downhere (met and got the autographs of 3/4ths of its members)
Jaime Jamgochian
Jason Gray
Lanaé Hale
David Kirkley (met and got aughtograph)
So...yeah. Hopefully I didn't forget anyone. Was that long enough for you, Kiwi?
On to something else... I know two Blog Buddies with Facebooks, Blueh and Alyosha. And then I know of several people who have Facebooks but up until recently it was like MySpace or LiveJournal to me; confusing, uninteresting, or painful. Things I hear about all the time and have heard about for ages and ages but haven't felt drawn to.
Well, three weeks ago I learned that a good offline friend had a Facebook. *gaspfaintdie* I never expected that of her. This last Sunday I heard Facebook mentioned again, some people in offline life mention it. And then on Monday I came out of my room for breakfast and my sister was using the computer and what page was she looking at? Yep, my sister has a Facebook. Two minutes later I Mom has a Facebook (except she hasn't done anything with it besides joining several months ago).
So yesterday afternoon I joined Facebook. I finally gave in.
I'm sure I gave Facebook grey hairs Monday, when I joined. I told it my name is Chris Owan (Chris is alternate spelling of one of my nicknames and Owan is my all-purpose nickname/alias. Pronounced "OH-wan" like Obi Wan but without the B and it means One With A Nickname, just so you know) and I told it I live in Diverse City.
And lastly, my random thing for today: I want it to be July. Not be cause it's frigid outside but because Lifest is in July. From December/January until the date I live for Lifest.
Currently Listening--
Album: Portable Sounds
Artist: tobyMac
Okay, I'm leaving a comment! I'm actually just assuming you know who I am. I've only commented once, so I'm hoping. Hint: Maiden of the Rohirrim on Homeschoolblogger blogs, and I have had a rather ongoing debate with you over Aragorn/Legolas. Yeah, me. ;D I don't even know if you know that much about me!!! But I have known you since I was 8. ;D WHAT, YOU GOT TO MEET REBECCA ST. JAMES AND GET HER AUTOGRAPH?!?!?!?!?!?! *nearly faints* Oh, soooooooo cool!!! Do you still have it? I LOVE her! Okay, I love Newsboys too, so don't be offended (look at my profile, that'll prove it ;D). Well, see ya on Sunday (if we stay till the second service). I wish we could play the Mongolian Clapping Game BETWEEN services, instead of after second. Then I would ALWAYS get to play. :D Oh well...
Hear ye, hear ye! Milady Kiwifruit is hereby commenting, so tag! She will hereby do a further comment....later. Squeeeeeeee!
~milady Kiwifruit's secretary Rapunzel
:P I like this blog post, a lot. :)
I didn't think you'd be the type to be on the edge of your seat in joy.
And you have a facebook? Hurrah! Request me! You know my first and last name, right?
Not only do I have a facebook, but so does netsirK, Soul Skittles and Verja. Just so you know. ;)
Ohmigosh Owan that's awesome! Concerts are always awesome, no matter who it is! I freak out when I meet semi-famous people too. :D
I was sucked into the Facebook realm a while back too. It's pretty fun! Be on the lookout for a friend invite from a person with (I think) the same name as you and a last name that RINGS TRUE. (that's a joke you'll understand once you know my last name.)
And that's awesome you're getting your sis Shine: the Hits! What an awesome present. B-)
~Traumatized Kiwifruit
netsirK told me not to look at this post but I couldn't help myself. Now I can't figure out what she didn't want me to see...
Congrats on being inches away from Marc. :)
*hugs Glenn *
Merry Christmas, mate! Where were you at church on Sunday and the Christmas Eve service tonight and why haven't you answered my question about PC and the Newsboys? 'Cause I saw something about PC on your twitter, and Soul Skittles's.
See ya Sunday!
I awarded you.
Nice post.
You hate this comment.
I still love you anyway.
Merry Christmas,
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