Are You Smarter Than a Fifth Grader?

Apparently the makers of that show were being nice to the adults by picking fifth graders instead of fourth graders for them to play against.

Apparently, American fifth graders beat the scores of twenty-six out of thirty-five countries' fourth graders in reading, math, and science.

By the eighth grade American students are about midrange in the comparison charts--on the weight charts they are noticably fatter, though.

By twelth grade, after recieving all the benefits of a American education these students are near the bottom of the list. Infact, in science these students can only beat the scores of three contries: Cyprus, South Africa, and another-country-I-can't-spell.

Homeschool students: congratulations! Your kind has a record for staying smart!

Public school students: good luck! :)

(Read the entire article on this and other subjects on Human Events, it's called "The Cal Ripken President.")

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Alyosha said...

Hmm...I see no space between "in fact"--and "twelfth" is misspelt--and "noticeably" needs an E, or does it?--does that count? Probably not. I lose. :P

(No, I don't usually scrutinise so pedantically for typos. Rest assured.)

Interesting...though I am both a homeschooler and a public school student. *is thus a conflicted individual*

I know plenty of quite intelligent public schoolers who get far better marks than I do--I think on the whole it's the ones who just don't bother trying that slip through the cracks, not the ones who actually do what the system requires and put in some effort. It's still far from perfect, but yeah.

netsirK said...

Very int-er-esting.
On a side note, that Smarter than a 5th grader show really annoys me. The children are so obnoxious.

CrimeSceneFairy said...

Hrmf. Clay Aiken was like the smartest person ever AYSTAFG. I liked watching the show tho cuz i get to feel smart. XD
i watched this one episode in which an idiot lady got the first question wrong, then went next door to another game show and got the first question wrong there too. >=( Ignorant people.
but homeschoolers rocketh. WOOO!
*taps head *
I readed Alyosha's comment so i don't get to find da misstypation. :(

Daughter of Eve said...

YAY HOMESCHOOLERS!!!!!!!! AWESOME! :D You're right, netsirK! Homeschoolers ROCK!!! :D Lucky us...