Yes, I am still planning to give a full-ish report on Winter Jam but I'm having, say, technical difficulties. See, what I'm doing is making a vLog of myself reminiscing on this very important event but YouTube is being a great and dreadful pain. I'm almost, infact, willing to forgive Tangle (the new name for GodTube) and try uploading them there. Dunno. I have some five 10min videos to upload. And more to make. I've still got more than half our trip to yabber about. Hopefully I'l get those up soon. EDIT: Success with the first three videos! Post soon, like, tomorrow.
For now, indeed, I am going to post some tags. Hopefully I can remember/find them all again. I get tagged too often or something. Not that I mind, I don't mind at all, it just gets confusing and hard to remember and makes for long posts. Hurrah! [/almostsardonic] If you tagged me and I missed it, feel free to point the tag out and I'll do it as soon as I may.
Okay, the first one is one that I was tagged with via FaceBook. Tagged by friends Jessi, Lauren, and Samantha (who's blog is here). The idea is I have to answer each question with something that starts with the first letter of my name. May I use Owan, please? I dislike using my real name, particularly online because I'm weird like that. Anyways. Using Owan. If someone things this is unfair they may notify me. We're off...
1. What is your name? Owan
2. A four letter word? Owan
3. A boy's name? Owen (okay, okay)
4. A girl's name? Olivia
5. An occupation? Orthodontist, whatever that is.
6. A color? Olive
7. Something you wear? old fashions
8. A food? onions, okra, olives
9. Something found in the bathroom? Oxyclean? Maybe?
10. A place? Orlando, FL
11. A reason for being late? Ornery nouns
12. Something you shout? OH MY!!
13. A movie title? *cough* A book title? Out of the Silent Planet (by C. S. Lewis, of course)
14. Something you drink? orange juice (not that I like orange juice, it was just the first/only thing to come to mind)
15. A musical group? *thinks* *brings up JesusFreakHideout* Um, here's a few... Oh, Sleeper; Olivia the Band; Once Nothing; One Bad Pig; One Star Story; Our Heart's Hero; Out of Eden; Over Ashes; and Overflow. None of which I've ever listened to, I don't think.
Thus ends this quiz. If thou would like to do this tag "consider ye self tagged."
I was also tagged by two people on FaceBook, Bethany and Lauren and when Soul Skittles did the tag I decided to tag myself. For this tag I must answer each question with one word and one word only.
1. Where is your cellphone? Nonexistent
2. Your hair? Messy
3. Your father? Elsewhere
4. Your favorite thing? iPod (alright! Not exactly my favorite thing but if I can't list all my favorite things than I might as well pick a silly thing, right?)
5. Your dream last night? Forgotten
6. Your favorite drink? Water
7. Your dream/goal? Survive
8. The room you are in? Dark-ish
9. Your fear? FF5 :P
10. Where do you want to be in six years? Married (My sister informed us all the other day that she's going to marry a "tall Godly man with a beard.)
11. Muffins? Ridiculed
12. Wish list item? Lifest
13. Last think you did? Ate
14. TV? No
15. Your pets? Nonexistent
16. Friends? Far
17. Your life? Inane :P
18. Your mood? Interested
19. Missing someone? No
20. Smoking? No
21. Drinking? No
22. Your car? Nonexistent
23. Something your not wearing? Hat
24. Your favorite store? Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...
25. Your favorite color? Nonexistent
26. When is the last time you cried? June
27. Where do you go over and over? Dreamland
28. Favorite place to eat? Table
29. Place you want to be right now? Undecided
I was tagged by Soul Skittles again. This one is just a bunch of questions and answers. Pretty simple.
1. Were you named after anyone? I was named after my Grandmother and one of my aunts. We all have the same middle name. Hurrah for us!
2. When was the last time you cried? Uh, why must tag questions get so dreadfully personal. The last time I cried was on my birthday. In June. Oh, joy. [/sardonic]
3. Do you like your handwriting? I purposefully don't think about it. Next question--quick!
4. What is your favorite lunch meat? From personal to pointless all in a flash. Um, I don't think I have a favorite lunch meat.
5. Do you have kids? No. Quite simply.
6. If you were another person, would you be friends with you? If I was an eccentric person, maybe.
7. Do you use sarcasm? Maybe...sometimes. (*cough*)
8. Do you still have your tonsils? If they're not here they forgot to say goodbye.
9. Would you bungee jump? I've already went on those fair ones. Or, I went once. Waste of five dollars, but whatever.
10. What is your favorite cereal? Peace.
11. Do you untie your shoes when you take them off? Most of the time.
12. What is your favorite ice cream? My favorite ones are the minty and fudge-ish ones.
13. What is the first thing you notice about people? What they look like, what they wear, how they talk, and their first names.
14. Red or pink? Red. Dark-ish red.
15. What is your least favorite thing about yourself? Um, I don't really think about it. I'm perfect. (JK!)
16. Who do you miss the most? Peter, Paul, Duncan, and Jeff. (I haven't had enough time to miss Jody, yet.)
17. Do you want everyone to complete this list? It doesn't matter.
18. What color pants and shoes are you wearing? I'm wearing brown old lady shoes and a Rosesque skirt. It's kind of pasley. Blue and green and gold and swirly. It's a little weird, but, I'm managing. Here it is...
19. What are you listening to? Newsboys of course. Hallelujah from Adoration.
20. If you were a crayon, what color would you be? That's easy, I'd be orange.
21. Favorite smell? Um, good food. I like the smell of books in theory, I think. And I like the smell of shoes, perhaps in theory, and perhaps not. Dunno.
22. Who was the last person you talked to on the phone? Uhhh...a family member. Today or yesterday. Like, immediate family. None immediately family would be, um, Kiwi, I think. I think. I don't usually answer the phone so I don't think I talked to any recordings or random people who I know not the names recently...
23. Favorite sport to watch? Uh, uh, uh.
24. Hair color? Blonde. Reddish in winter.
25. Eye color? Blue with maybe a little green. Perhaps.
26. Do you wear contacts? No. I don't think I could stand that.
27. Favorite food? There are too many to list.
28. Scary movies or happy endings? Happy endings.
29. Last movie you watched? My siblings are currently watching One Night with the King and I'm in the same room but only very partly watching it. They also just watched Hawk Nelson's Friend Like That DVD, which I half watched. Other than that, the last movie I watched was Fireproof. Last night and again the night before. Fireproof in 60 is hilarious, by the way.
30. What color shirt are you wearing? Black.
31. Summer or winter? Neither, but winter more than summer.
32. Hugs or kisses? What happened to hearty handshakes? Hugs tend to go all wrong if you don't run at each other with arms spread wide, just so you know.
33. Most likely to respond? That I know not, this sounds like a chain letter or something.
34. Least likely to respond? Soul Skittles, she's done it already.
35. What book are you reading now? Pendragon: Merchant of Death. Most unimpressive book. I'm halfway through, or so, and most undeniably annoyed. Who can't be annoyed when the main character's name is Bobby?
36. What is on your mouse pad? My AlphaSmart doesn't have a mouse pad. Bring on the touch screen! *geeky glasses*
37. What did you watch on TV last night? I rarely watch TV. I watched Fireproof last night. Overdue for a Newsboys video, BTW.
38. Favorite sound(s)? Newsboys. Babies giggling, the sound of rain, the sound of Paul Colman, the sound of falling snow, splashing puddles, many random things.
39. Rolling stones or Beatles? I don't know any Rolling Stones songs but I do like the Beatles song Hello Goodbye pretty well. It tends to get stuck in my head.
40. What is the farthest you have been from home? 1,400 miles away from my current home. Machias, ME. The very eastern corner of Maine, pretty much.
41. Do you have a special talent? Um...I dunno.
42. Where were you born? In a bedroom in IL, I think. Maybe a bathroom. Or a hallway. I haven't a clue.
43. Whose answers are you looking forward to getting back? Comment and say you are doing this tag, if you do such I will look forward to it most faithfully.
And supposedly there is a forty-fourth question, but it has something to do with a spouse. And, Soul Skittles, who tagged me deleted the question so I know not what it was.
And another one by Soul Skittles. I just have to answer the questions. Clean and simple. I will commence.
1. Favorite color? I don't think I have one of those. It might be orange, or blue, or yellow. Maybe a cross between orange and yellow. I don't know.
2. Favorite number? I like even numbers and numbers that are divisible by five.
3. Favorite animal? Haven't got one of them either.
4. Favorite food? I haven't got one. Has long as it tastes good, I like it.
5. Favorite drink? Same policy as above. If it leaves a pleasant taste, 'tis good.
6. Favorite dessert? Kransekake and phylo.
7. Favorite ice cream? Answered previously. Fudge-ish and mintiness.
8. Favorite past time? I tend to waste my free time messing with my iPod. Very bad.
9. Favorite piece of clothing? My hat, my scarf, my Sesquipedalian shirt, I only sort of like my Newsboys shirt (it's three sizes too big!), I have a nice coat. Um, yeah.
10. Favorite TV show? Don't watch TV, as stated. When I did. I liked watching Andy Griffith. And when Poirot came on, I liked that.
11. Favorite actor/actress? Peter Dinklage. Because he has a nice name. But, in general, I don't think much about actors/actresses.
12. Favorite song? Hard! Hard! A random favorite: I absolutely love and adore Paul Colman's Your Unfailing Love/Lord I Give You My Heart. I really adore it.
13. Favorite band? Newsboys. Favorite musician? Paul Colman.
14. Favorite singing person? Tough. Tough. Peter Furler.
15. Favorite author? I have too many of those, I think. *considers* *Considers some more* Um, um, uh, ...I can't decide.
16. Favorite book? I have alot of those too. A book that I keep coming back to: The Chronicles of Narnia.
17. Favorite fictional place? The pool that Queen Swanwhite (or whoever the outrageously beautiful person in The Last Battle was) looked into. Or whatever it is. I forget, but I've always imagined it to be very beautiful.
18. Favorite character from a book? Um, how about, Jonathan Strange? He's interesting and as a nice name. And his wife I think was beautiful and very kind.
19. Favorite city? New London, WI. Never been there, but 'tis stellar that there is a city by the name of London in my state.
20. Favorite country? All of the countries that are in the British Commonwealth.
21. Favorite vacation spot? Oshkosh, Wi. Lifest! Hurrah!
22. Favorite mountain? I know not.
23. Favorite website? I have many of those. Um, I like Twitter alot.
24. Favorite computer/video game? Don't got one.
25. Favorite technological thing? Pantagruilian. My iPod Touch.
26. Favorite Facebook flair? Um...I like the ones that are the "Things to do in Walmart." They're funny.
27. Favorite letter/symbal? Um, I like commas, semi-colons, and, perhaps, question marks.
28. Favorite boy name? I have many of those. Two random ones: Duncan and Dunstan. Among many others.
29. Favorite girl name? Random ones: Eanah, Aoife, Kate, Dagmar, Alice...among others.
30. Favorite store? I like The, sometimes. They got rid of a good shirt though. Wish I had the money to buy half that stuff. They have really nice hats there, BTW.
31. Favorite sandwich? Reuben, among others.
32. Favorite object? iPod. Favorite animal? Nonexistent. Favorite person? I have many of those. Like family members.
33. Favorite thing to poke fun at? Man, I had a really "good" one for this a few days ago. Yet, I forgot it so my answer is movies.
34. Favorite time of day? On weekdays this would be one o'clock.
35. Least favorite color? Neons.
36. Least favorite TV show? That's So Raven would be the first to come to mind.
37. Least favorite name? Bobby, of course.
38. Least favorite kitchen utensil? Those potato masher thingies.
39. Least favorite time of day? On weekends this would be one o'clock.
40. Least favorite piece of furniture in your home? Tough. We have some cupboards that I seriously dislike...
And lastly. Over 2,000 words since the beginning of this all, I am at the last tag. Which isn't actually a tag. I'm just here to do that music guessing game thing. Since I got new music on my iPod the other week, I thought it was appropriate. Though, my iPod is going to give out halfway through this. Anyways. Um, here's some songs. Happy guessing! (Remixes are skipped, as are live songs.)
1. "All things wise, and wonderful You are."
2. "Lifting the hopeless with hope to go on..."
3. "...Searching for water but I come up dry. Thought that I'd find happiness..." (Actually rather dislike this song.)
4. "But the cross makes him wish that his spine was more than a school of jellyfish."
5. "Can you see God? You ever seen him? I've never seen the wind. I see the effects of the wind but I've never seen the wind. It's a mystery to me!" (Does this count?)
6. "I was wrong, and You're still here, and Your love, it carried all my fear."
7. "The song of Asian believers, filled with God's holy fire."
8. "You're only sick as all your secrets."
9. "I know it's hard to hear promises, when the blue has turned to grey."
10. "I catch you digging in my trash, for things I've long thrown away."
11. "When the stones get thrown, they either miss or they turn to glory."
12. "When no one solves the mysteries or even wipes away the tears."
13. "Oh, Lord, You are the author, redeeming what's been done..."
14. "When that muffled sigh, says you're barely getting by..."
15. "Looking for love and I lost my way, another long night as turned to day."
16. "What you going to say to the soul kiss...?"
17. "I wanna lift my voice to Heaven and listen to the angels sing along."
18. "...Like a star, set apart, set apart from the start of the world..."
19. "To the holders of secrets and scars learning to stand with reaching arms..."
20. "Oh, Father, tonight, it's our desire to see your kingdom shine on earth as in Heaven, tonight." (Dream: to hear this song in concert!)
21. "And know this, I cannot love a little..."
22. "We'll make room for your shade of skin; short ones, tall ones, skinny ones, bigger."
23. "And I know that it's coming but I can't see it now."
24. "I can see it clearly now, see your eyes in the starry skies."
25. "Singin' 'Glory, glory, hallelujah, he reigns.'" (A freebie! Hurrah!)
26. "Our God, you reign forever, our hope, our strong deliverer..."
27. "I do not need help from anyone but there's a few little words that I did neglect..."
28. "Bowed and broken, everything's new, all that I need..."
29. "Who wants to listen to a single-sided phone call?"
30. "Holy is our God Almighty and holy, holy is His name alone."
And thus ends that. I shall do it again soon as, interestingly enough, none of my new songs came up. Sadness. Post again soon.
My, my, my. You've certainly been tagged a lot, haven't you?
I shall at least attempt the last one...
2. Lord (I Don't Know) -- nb
4. Going Public -- nb (I love to sing this song! [/random])
6. Love Me More -- PC3
7. He Reigns -- nb (Ahh, one of Peter's favorite songs of his. :) )
8. Let It All Come Out -- nb
9. The Letter -- nb
10. Dear Shame -- nb
11. Hallelujah (1998) -- nb
12. I Surrender All -- nb
13. See #2.
14. Million Pieces -- nb
16. Who? -- nb. This one nearly gave me a run for my money.
18. See #9.
19. The Tide -- nb
20. God of Nations -- nb. Your favorite! :D
21. Atmosphere -- tMac. Nearly gave me a run for my money again, mate.
23. Hallelujah (2003) -- nb
24. I Got Your Number -- nb. Ugh, this song annoys me... but the bridge, I like for some reason.
25. See #7. You're getting a lotta repeats, mate!
26. Everlasting God -- Lincoln Brewster
27. Love Comes True -- nb. Beautiful song!
28. See #16
29. Cup O' Tea -- nb. Pauly's song!!
30. It Is You -- nb. Hah! I didn't miss it this time!
And there you have it. :)
Yuch, Gale Carson Levine! Never heard of her but 't must be awful
Tangle? XD
Oxyclean. XD
I've heared of Out of Eden but dat's all.
XD FF5 is sceery.
Yes, i has done it already. :-{D
It's really dumb that they didn't make that one an even number.
the last question was like... "Where did you meet your spouse?"
Yay, favorite quiz!
XD I didn't know you had an iPod Touch! and that it was named Pantagruilian. that sounds like something Randy Disher would say. "P as in Pantagruilian"
*clicks * Yeah, dey has nice hats! :D
Otay, I'll try
2. Lord (I don't know) - Oi Boyz! :D
5. Mind's Eye - DC Talk! :D
7. He Reigns - Oi Boyz! :D
9. The Letter - Oi Boyz!
i always have trouble wif dat one
10. (I dunno but it reminds me of a Monk episode.
" this my glass?"
"Yeah, i took it from your trash. And yes, these are your chairs, and yes, this is your carpet, and yes these are your pants. Don't worry, i'm not crazy, just a fan. *stupid grin * ")
12. I Surrender All - Oi Boyz!
(i were chattin wif Blueh so she helped me wif dis one cuz yeah. :)
13. Lord (I dont know) - Oi Boyz. whaa? 2? Maybe i's wrong.
14. Million Pieces - Oi Boyz!
16. Who - Oi Boyz!
18. The Letter - Oi Boyz (hmm. hmm. hmm)
21. Atmosphere - McToby! :D
22. Diverse City - McToby! :D
23.Hallelujah - Oi Boyz! :D
24. I Got Your Number - Oi Boyz
25. He Reigns - Oi Boyz! :D
28. Joy - Oi Boyz? It's just a guesss.
29. Cup O' Tea - Oi Boyz!
Dere, i done mah civic dutie. bai
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