At the moment the house is extremely quiet. The only noise I hear is the noisy of the refridgerator and dish washer, and the occasional yell from the little people playing outside. It is so awesome to see the sun.

Have I ever told you how much I despise dish washers? They're a bad name for housekeepers everywhere. Blessed is she who does not have a dish washer. Except for the fact that they do make a big drying rack because heavan forbid any company making a decent sized rack for drying dishes. They are also useful when you are feeling sick or lazy and do not want to wash them yourself. The dish washer does get them partially clean, we'll give it that.

The best type of blog post to make is the one you make when you have this nagging feeling that you should be using your time doing something More Productive. If you haven't noticed that feeling is an obsession for me.

The word 'obsession' comes from a Latin word that I cannot, at the moment, remember how to spell. Obsession: a feeling or emotion you cannot get rid of.

Currently we have Very Little food in the fridge or cupboard or freezer. I'm trying to come up with something to make for super. I think I will make a chicken noodle soup.

We don't have any broth, chicken, or noodles. :P Well, we might have some broth, I need to check and see. I'm thinking I can substitute ground turkey for the chicken, broken lassanga noodle for the noodles, and if there is no broth then water is going to have to do.

Sound good? I don't think so, either. I might throw in some black eyed peas and carrots (if we have any). I need to bring up the ground turkey from the basement soon so it can thaw a little before I try and brown it.

It is my opinion that everyone--nearly everyone--needs to, occasionally, not go shopping for awhile. It's be like spring cleaning your food supply. The need to eat will force you to make that thing that you bought and really were planning on cooking/baking. It's a great way to keep that food from going to waste, don't you think? It'd probably also get you eating something out of routine (everyone can use a change now and again) and might also be a lesson to you. Something about humility, maybe.

This morning I went Out. Admit it, you like to go Out, too. :) Went for breakfast with a bunch of ladies and had a very fine time. Admit it, you love it when someone buys you breakfast, too. :) Isn't it good to have friends? A guy I know just recently moved out of his parents house and is currently living alone. I would not enjoy living alone.

Well, now, I guess I'll go get that meat and then do some more of my schoolwork. My very industrious goal is to finish it all in a timely manner. If I be industrious Enough that I can do it without dying of guilt I will take a walk tomorrow when Friday Night starts (if the weather is favorable) and then be lazy on Saturday and open the book Scott loaned me. Cheers.

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