Schedules and Internal Clocks

My dad got a second shift job, he started on Monday. Because he is sleeping in mornings Mom is trying to keep the house as quiet as possible. Hence, she is trying to shift everyone's (mostly the children's, actually) internal clock. Staying up a little later, having meals later, waking up later. So far, it is okay-ish. Alright, so, things are crazier. Crazier than usual.

I am not a fan of change, I dislike change. I am being a rebel even. Early to bed, early to rise (makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise). So far, getting up at 6 or so and then not eating anything until 9 or 10 is not fun.

Eating at 9 or 10. The fact that I am ashamed for eating breakfast at that hour says something about how hard it is to kill old habits.

Going to have to deal with it though. Hopefully the job is here to stay! :)


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