
I have missed four NaBloPoMo days but I have not missed sixteen NaBloPoMo days. Yay.

I made my most unimpressive get-onto-the-interstate maneuver on the way home today but I didn't hit anything and no one got killed. Yay.

Remington did not tear my brand new socks. Yay.

I am going dancing tonight. Yay.

I've listened to eight sermons in the last three days, things like that are allowed in the country I live in. Yay.

Thanksgiving is on Thursday, I am going to the Thanksgiving Eve Service. Yay.

I am wearing an awesome scarf. Yay.

I finally made it through the roundabouts in my town with grace yesterday. Yay.

I know some wonderful people. Yay.

I am not missing today's NaBloPoMo post. Yay. :)

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