I hate when I do that. I did manage to make it to work on time because I drove to work instead of walking, which gave me fifteen minutes to eat and throw some clothes on. I did a lot of throwing clothes on yesterday. I was not all there yesterday.
Anyway. So, interesting thing that happened at work yesterday: the previous nanny was in town so she stopped in for a visit. The kids were playing in the basement when she arrived. She crept downstairs, walked into the room, and they all freaked out. It was so sweet!
Of course, I felt a little left out but it was okay. They had happy reunion time while I had a text conversation with their dad and called his brother up and finally located the car keys and finished up lunch (which was pronounced very tasty--score!) and freaked out about the fact my phone was beeping a "GET READY 'CAUSE I AM GOING TO DIE ON YOU" beep. (This was because I didn't charge it overnight because I was using it for an alarm clock but...if you go back to the beginning of this post you'll see just how well that went.)
We got to their counselor's on time. (A miracle, I tell you.) My phone officially died in the middle of a conversation with their aunt. She was just giving me directions to the location of the place I was supposed to meet her after their appointments. I heard "Memorial Drive" and another street name before it died. Thankfully, once we got to that first street they knew where they were.
I borrowed her phone, when I dropped off the girls, to try and call Sir Boss and ask him if I could just borrow his car for the evening since I had something going on in that part of the world within the hour and I didn't have time to return his car, get my car, and drive back and still be on time. However, I couldn't get a hold of him so I got home from work about fifteen minutes after when I would have left the house if I hadn't worked quite so late. I combed my hair in a hurry and threw on some different clothes. I am telling you, didn't look my best yesterday! I didn't have enough time to make myself look presentable. Oh well...
The thing I was going to yesterday evening was a square dance exhibition thing that I was helping out with. I now know that already knowing how to square dance before my church's dance thing won't result in me being terminally bored. Good to know. Haha
It was interesting to go back to the beginning, things that are second nature now were so confusing back then! I remember getting dreadfully mixed up about some of those moves. Like the swing! It's so easy but it did take me forever to figure it out.
The dance was so short! It was crazy short! We did one demonstration dance, and then we danced with whoever was brave and outgoing enough to give it a go. There was a plus dance. And that was it. It was woah, wait, what, we're done?! ;)
We went out to ice cream afterward. I sat with Katelyn mostly and we chatted about all kids of things, like whether the guy who took my order was a guy or not. (I'm 75% sure it was a guy.)
After that we went out to the parking lot and admired my car. So far, everyone seems to be impressed with it! Yay. :) I'm glad I can drive among my friends without shame.
After that, we went home and...did stuff, I guess. Must not have been too spectacular because I cannot really remember what.
1 comment:
Well done Natalie Teeger!
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