...And, oh dear, I just realized that I have no hairbrush with me. O.o The future suddenly becomes a much scarier place.
2. I received two sweet compliments last week. Observe:
"Kristen's got rhythm! I bet she could bust out some really sweet dance moves." In my mind I was thinking, "No, I don't and I cannot but thanks." :)
The other compliment wasn't really a compliment, it was a joke. Part of the joke was, "...and you're so beautiful!" Which made me all mushy inside. The only people who tell me I'm beautiful are my relatives (my mother and some of my grandparents, aunts, and uncles). My sisters tell me my outfit is nice, I have nice legs, or they wish I could have my hair. I'm pretty sure this is the first time a not related male told me I was beautiful. And it was a joke. But still!
3. So, you know Lady Gaga's Born This Way? When Glee performed the song, the singers each wore a shirt saying different things about them that they had to come to terms with/made them different. They wore shirts like, "OCD," "I'm with stoopid [arrow pointing to self,]" "four eyes," "can't sing," and so on.
I totally want one (or more) of their shirts! Titles I want:
I'm with stoopid. [Arrow facing up]
Can't sing
Four eyes
Can't dance
Except...wearing one of those shirts would make me look like a Glee fan. I like their song covers, often I listen to them before I listen to the person who actually wrote/sang the song. I think they sing really well. However, I think the show is boring. And everyone knows it's like ridiculously dirty. But I would totally wear a shirt that says four eyes, even if I don't get teased and like my glasses just fine.
4. This morning I had a really gross encounter. True story. When I got home from work, I took a shower. True story. It involved dog urine. True story.
5. I love Windows 7 themes, with the rotating wallpapers. I made two themes today out of wallpapers downloaded offline. One is a Disney theme and the other is a Doctor Who theme. They are both awesome.
I changed my wallpaper from the Lovebirds theme to a black and white drawing of the Doctor and his TARDIS (Time And Relative Dimension In Space) that I forgot to put in my Doctor Who theme. I might change it to something else again, I don't really like how low in the corner the drawing sits. I could change it to the How I Met Your Mother wallpaper I have. Would you like that?
6. I am shedding. Like a snake.
7. I didn't use to like Catherine Tate. I thought she was obnoxious and rude and annoying and loud and harsh. Actually, she is awesome. "Oh, this is BRILLIANT!"
Sorry, not-Doctor-Who-people. Sorry, sad, pitiful people. You just don't get it.
I ran into a Christmas special of the British TV show, Nevermind the Buzzcocks on YouTube. Here is part one to get you started, part two is the funniest part. (Caution: some unpleasant humor. Very unpleasant.) Watch and see why I love Catherine Tate. Also, if you like Coldplay. They are mentioned a bunch of times during the show.
Speaking of Coldplay. Have a listen.
Speaking of Nevermind the Buzzcocks. I despise Josh Groban. But here is a video of him singing I Dreamed a Dream with Michael Ball. Michael Ball is awesome.
"...I'm Josh Groban and you're greatly moved."
Josh groban rules you are wrong!!!! You must love josh groban. I was trying my alicia "you must watch dr who" super powers on you. So i am watching dr who so i suppose it worked.
Oh sorry that was me shawn
What! Why don't you like Josh Groban?
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