Far Too Much Time...

Well. What can I say? Normally one starts a blog post to talk. That's exactly what I plan on doing. I'm going to talk both ears off and then I'm a gonna suck your brain out one sense at a time. Then again maybe not because if you were seriously disgusted with my long posts and habit of rambling you wouldn't be reading this introduction and you'd avoid my blog like the plague, right? So I've just proved you all love me and I don't talk your ears off, right? Of course right.

Splendid. I'm going to talk about books today. I got a library card the other week. Sometime last week. Yay. Almost my first library card, the last one I had when I was 5-8yos. Long time ago. So I got on the library's website and ordered four books.
The Goose Girl by Shannon Hale
The Quotable Chesterton
The Coloured Lands by G. K. Chesterton
Accents: A Manual For Actors by Robert Blumenfeld
The Diamond of Darkhold by Jeanne DuPrau

And the day afterwards we went to a library sale and guess what I found?! The most beautiful copy of The Goose Girl ever! So I canceled my hold on that book. I now have three very lovely books checked out and one book on hold on my brand new card. Practicing a Scottish accent currently, I don't think The White Rabbit's Evidence by Lewis Carrol was ever ment to be recited in a Scot's accent but...I'm sorry, it is now.

*At which point Owan is listening to her sister talk about how fun it is to "murder the concept of poetry."*

Now...Is Owan a good book reviewer? If you answered 'no' then you get a prize!
Alright, closing up on that. I'm now going to talk about the book I came to review, which means I have something to say to all the males present. According to Relient K you're not going to understand a word of what I'm about to say, it will confuse your mind greatly so close this blog and go think about food, video games, and pro wrestling. Unless your a girly boy (and are very disgusting), girly boys might understand some of this but like I said you're creepy and I'm banning you from my blog. (And you're so insulted you leave.)
To any and all females: take a moment consider if you really want to waste your pretty little brain over this.
To all the female truck drivers present: your feminine side wants a word with you. Close this browser and go have luncheon with it.
And to anyone who's still reading this: Thanks. Your sweet. Silly...but sweet.

On Sunday I read a book called The Complex Infrastructure Known as the Female Mind according to Relient K. According to them but written by a Mark fellow. I do wish people would write these things for themselves... *sigh* You never know if it's really your idol that's writing you or his/her secretary. Very sad.

I'm going to remark on this book bit by bit like I do CDs, it's not easily spoiled so I think it's safe. If your still worried go out and get a copy of this book for yourself, read it and then come back and make sure to comment and tell me what kind of girl you are. This book is a little digressive gem. It begins with a introductory, call the Kick Off, that reminds us that boys find girls fascinating, confusing, but fascinating and Relient K has studied our species for a full century and this book is their conclusion. Sounds fun. Hopefully not only because the Mark guy who wrote it really understands the art of writing; atleast he's good for something.

The Athlete--
Relient K continues by giving us several girl types, the first is The Athlete and she doesn't speak to me at all. If someone is better at something than me so what? If you lace up your shoes faster that's just great but I don't care. The only way I can relate to this one is when I occasionally get annoyed at my siblings for being better than me in everything.
The Rock Chick--
Ooh! The Chuck Taylors really speak to me. But it's hard to relate to this girl when I haven't ever died my hair, have no piercings (none. Period.), and never wear make-up. Listen to unknown bands?! I listen to one of the most popular band in Christian music! But, yes, I can be moody...
The Diva--
Do I demand attention? Nope. Do I like the spotlight? Not particularly. I'm not The Diva.
The Homecoming Queen--
Do I try to make myself a perfect image? Probably. Am I out to be good to everyone? Not at all. I'm far to Me to be anything like that. But like The Drama Queen I do try to be sensitive to other's feelings and be a available shoulder.
The Mathlete--
In a small way. Callculators aren't that fascinating and I write with pens not pencils. I do enjoy math to some degree (except distance word problems, they're so confusing!) but yes, I would like to solve life and all else like a problem. I have won no awards or ribbons. "Mommy's Little Helper" ribbons don't count.
The Overachiever--
I think I'm a overachiever's page. I haven't that much interested in achieving many, many things but I am a little bit.
The Poet--
The long hair I have almost down (or had down, don't have it down anymore) but I don't wear it in a chopstick wad. Do I wear long flowing skirts and peasant blouses? Uhhh...dunno.If I had a guitar I'd carry it around and probably attempt at composing music, but I would never write about smelly cats.Would I drive a twenty-year Volvo if I had a choice? No. New car. The newest I can get (which would be twenty years old). Would it have bumper stickers? I'd harbor the idea but I don't know if I'd actually do it... Animals are too for eating, chomp chomp. The polar caps are melting? Hmm, always wanted to know that. Drill, baby, drill. Etc. Would I drink wheat grass and shop at health food stores? Yes. I do wash my hair. I don't drink coffee so I have no reason to brush my teeth. Do I shave my legs often? Uh, ask me later. (Relient K finds this trait creepy? Well don't look down and you won't know.) Would I eat lunch alone? Yes. Would I bring herbal tea and granola with yogurt? No, the tofu sandwhich sounds so much better. Sweating is for the unenlighted and there are better ways to contribute to the world? Probably, but I think I'm willing to do gym. The Poet is a good student and takes her studies seriously? Not sure about the 'good' part but I think I can possibly agree with the rest of this. Pollitically active? Not really. Yes, I would be more willing to date someone older then someone younger. Yes, I'd probably like art class in a odd way and it's embarressingly obvious that I doodle. I did draw a picture of Peter Furler once, I quite minutes after I started because it didn't look anything like him (except that they're both bald). I'd rather be creative on the computer. I come out of it wearing part of my art? Definitely. The Poet isn't tragical but she is dark and thinks dark is cool. Yes. True. Nods. Sylvia Plath sounds interesting. I'll look her up. Do I spend a fair amount of time by myself? Yes. Am I interested in the 60s? No, that's nuts. Do I have to worry about talking to much? No, mostly I'm good at listening. Do I sound like I'm The Poet? Let's look...
1. Your backpack is full of poetry journals and dream journals instead of text books? Yes.
2. Your clothes always smell like Nag Champa? Huh? I think I'm thick, what is this?
3. You can make a mean soy latte? Never tried it and it sounds disgusting.
4. The idea of growing your own vegetables and stuff appeals to you? Kinda, sorta, in a way yes.
5. You will only use herbal medicines that have not been tested on any animal? False. My herbal medicines should be tested on animals.
6. Poetry flyers, poetry books, and art supplies can be found in your locker? If I had a locker then yes you might find flyers for literary events, journals, and some kind of art supply (a pen).
7. Television is for mindless androids who enjoy being spoon-fed what the corporate monster wants them to eat? Most channels are for mindless androids yes, the GMC no.
8. You drink coffee or herbal tea? No.
9. You wear birks or no shoes at all? I'm going to have to look up what a birk is. Bare feet: never!
10. Your favorite author is Wendell Berry? Never heard of her.
11. A probable nickname for you is Granola? Nooooo! I would hate, truely hate it if someone called me that. Some nicknames I do have are Kris, Owan, Chris, Orio, Oreo, Orious, Krissy, and Christian; (alright, not a nickname but a frequent mispronunciation of my real name).
12. Your clothes are bought in second-hand stores and thrift shops that don't normally have labels? Goodwill is the only place I shop for clothes. I would like to shop a notch or two above that though. *is dying to go to the mall*
13. You don't wear make-up? How smart you are! I own no make up and that doesn't bother me. So...maybe I am The Poet? Let's read on and see if I'm something else.
The First Chair--
Do I play music? No. Relient K starts this chapter by describing what you see if you are watch a First Chair come down the school hall. "She walks with her shoulders slumped forward ever so slightly and her eyes are mostly on the ground. You've seen her a hundred times before and you might not know her name, yet chances are, she knows yours. At first glance you might think this girl to be sad, but she isn't. What you are seeing is the civilian side of this definitive two-sided girl. ...Ladies and Gents, we present to you...First Chair."
That is a description of me. Well everyone else is talking their hearts out and doing their thing and plowing forward I'm doing my own thing. Listening to people talk and watching them. Listening to my friends with my ears and looking all around with my eyes. It's prolly a rude trait, too... But that is me until I meet a follow First Chair. A kindred-spirit, I suppose. Not many understand why I like what I like or why I do the things I do and I may be labeled uncool because of it but I embrace that title just like the First Chair does. I might actually like to have a pair of Dinkles, infact. Not sure how I can relate to the unity and teamship of the First Chair and the band, though. Am I "lost" when outside "the band"? Yes. Shy? Quiet? Reserved? Yes. I am a spectator, observer, and I watch life and the goings on of things from the wall when outside a...say...Newsboys concert. When with my First Chairs and in "unsocial" situations I am free to join in and toot my own horn. Church is somewhere were I feel socially "safe"? Yes and no. The sermon yes, the after-service fellowship no. I don't try to wear flashy clothes? True. Well, true if you don't call skirts flashy, They're certainly not ordinary. My hair is naturally colored? True.
"First Chair girls do not find reason to spend a lot of extra time at a beauty salon getting their hair and nails done. This is for the more trendy girls and besides, who in their right mind would spend a lot of money on their hair and nails when you know that you will have to crush a marching band hat on your head or risk mangling your nails in the keys of your clarinet." First Chairs are so smart, frugal too. A girl playing the trombone is embarressing? I'll tell my siblings that the next time they tell me I should learn to play it.
I love the fact that Relient K mentions homeschooling in this chapter. Something I can relate to. Almost relate too. All this school stuff doesn't really make sense, what is a homeroom anyway? If I belonged to a homeschool group it would be easier to relate. Do I sometimes wish I fit in? More than sometimes. So, since I'm not in a marching band what kind of First Chair am I? What do I like or get wrapped up in that most people don't? Newsboys, literary things, whatnot. So, does that make me a First Chair?
1. You own a hat too tall to wear in the car? I want a hat like that! Always have wanted one but I do have a Newsboys GO Tour t-shirt (who cares if it's two or three sizes too big?) and a literary-ish Sesquipadalian t-shirt (the envy of the world). Which should I wear Saturday? Hmm. (Sorry for being so dreadfully rude on the phone, Kiwi. You called just after my Dad got done talking to my grandfather, who called because it was my Dad's birthday, he looked at the caller ID and thought you were my sister's Saturday morning ride and were calling because of something to do with that so handed the phone to my younger sister. When she said it was for me I asked who it was and she had no idea so my mind was saying, "Alyosha? Didn't expect this." If Alyosha wants to know why I thought it might be you: my "RL" friends don't call me. Your voice wasn't Alyosha's voice though and when you said your name I thought of a different person I know by that name and my mind was, by this time, going nuts. Which is, short story long, why I said "Oh. You." so rudely. Forgive me. Hopefully it's all apples now?)
2. Half the pants in your closet have a stripe down the leg? False. I don't have any pants in my closet to began with but one of my PJ bottoms as a stripe down it. Does that count?
3. You know firsthand that trumpet players are good kissers and saxophone players are not? *snorts* 2-3yos are cuter kissers.
4. Your favorite key is C flat? Nope. I'm not even sure I know which key that is. But I know what my favorite Newsboys songs are and my favorite parts of their movies (comment for free details). And I have hundreds of favorite quotes and favorite words and favorite names. Except I lost my word and name files recently. Explenation further down.
5. Anytime you began walking you lead off with your left foot? Nope, I'm right-legged, my sister tested me. I'm right-handed, left-eyed, right-legged, and I can't remember which ear I am.
6. Your e-mail signature is "We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of the dream. Wandering by lone sea breakers, and sitting by desolate streams. World losers and world forsakers, for whom the pale moon gleams. Yet we are movers and the shakers of the world forever it seems." --Arthur O'Shaunessey? Ooh! I like that. I either have a book related or music related something in my signature.
Does that make me the First Chair? You judge, It'd be dreadful to say "I'm this and this" and have everyone you know go and snort behind your back 'cause...your not.
The Drama Queen--
"How can you know the Drama Queen? It's not her clothes and it's not her looks. It's the way she talks. She talks not only with her mouth, but also with her hands. But her hands aren't really talking. They're waving. They're pointing. They're jabbing. They're slicing the air like a Kung fu movie. She is like a bird in a birdbath, flapping and chirping and splashing around."Sounds like my pastor (or, as Peter says it, "mah pahstah") he's rather animated when delivering a sermon. Hands everywhere, but he does stand in one place unlike pastors from the South. They're always walking and running around the stage and being oh so very dramatic. It makes things so very interesting to watch. 'Tis fun. Anyways. As I have said on (several) occasions, I am one to be very animated when attempting at telling someone something. I personally only notice this when I'm stuttering or things get violent, my siblings however seem to notice this alot more than they notice other things and like to make comments. Anything from "Wow, you move your hands alot" to "Stop it!! Can't you just stand still for five minutes?! I hate it when your always waving." It's a interesting life, do not doubt.Do I use alot of exclamation points? You be the judge of that, but I do have a confession to make. I religiously never go beyond one exclamation point per sentence. I used to use bountiful exclamation points but now I suffice with italics and a maximum of two exclamation points if I'm really excited. But when not writing things do get very exclamative (is that a word?) and I either get really animated or I am so excited it hurts, like chest pain. This excited stage is called Nirvana or the Everything's Wonderful factor. Everything's Wonderful is located at the top of a high mountain, in the valley below this mountain you find The Sky is Falling. To illustrate how quickly the Drama Queen can roll down the mountain from Everything's Wonderful to The Sky is Falling I will tell you all about the beginning of last week or the weekend of the week before that. Please don't laugh, I know this is ridiculous but you really don't have to highlight it, okay? So, I'mdoing my own thing, excited about the "party" my siblings and I are having, the invitations I made for it look great and everythings going for me. I'm ontop of my high mountain. I'm on the computer about to get down and work real hard for the next several hours when the computer breaks. I have no idea why and I'm not going to go into details about it (except that I lost everything on it) but what I will tell you is you never saw anyone decend a mountain as quickly as I did right then. My mind went whomp and suddenly I'm thinking that my parents are going to kill me and be so angry and against me that I shouldn't even attempt NaNoWriMo and we should put off our party for a few more weeks and isn't life so horrible and don't I just want to go hide in my little ball of insecurity and not come out for six weeks? It took me several days to get out of The Sky is Falling which is why last Monday and Tuesday were so horrible (see Twitter).Do I use the words always and most alot? Probably.One way that I think I'm not like the Drama Queen is that I don't get excited over books and movies and whatever like she does. What I mean is that most of the time I hang out somewhere on the mountain between EW and SF because there's really not a whole lot of things that make me really happy or really sad. I tend more toward "I liked it" or "It was okay" or "I didn't like it" than "I loved it!" or "I hated it!" My sister Eugenides is more of a Drama Queen in this respect than I am. But if you look around you will notice that I do love and hate things. Notice the next sentence.This is the funniest part of the whole book, this chapter is, I loved it. "For instance, if The Drama Queen likes a particular boy and he happens to smile at her as they pass in the hallway, she immediately gathers up her closest friends and excitedly begins to plan her wedding. She is completely and totally overjoyed and becomes the happiest of all happy people." Pride & Prejudice anyone? (Don't blame me if you didn't find that funny, I'm not the one with the strange sense of humor.)If, after the computer broke, I learned there was to be a free Newsboys concert within three hours of me I would have run up the mountain again but wouldn't be able to reach EW because I'd relized that my parents would hate me for breaking the computer and wouldn't let me go to the concert so I'd roll down to SF again and wouldn't get out of their until atleast a week after the concert. Pathetic, I know, and terribly false because I didn't get in trouble, unless your thinking that being told that I have to fix the computer is punishment. And if that's what you think then your probably right. I still haven't fixed it yet. Still working on it. I'm no computer genius, after all.And it is true I like to take you all with me on my roller coaster, probably why I have all my blogs. Welcome aboard, but if I manage to do this with my story telling then I'll be blowed 'cause I had no idea. Someone else will have to judge if I'm a good storyteller or not because I wouldn't know.Do I complain alot? If you answered 'yes' and rolled your eyes then you get a prize! *and slaps whoever it was for insulting her* :P Honestly, yes, I complain far too much and I do want you all to complain with me, okay? So everyone be depressed and/or annoyed with me because Paul Colman doesn't come closer to were you (*cough*I*cough*) live.Do I always think I'm sick? Yes, I confess I'm one of those people who thinks a single sneeze as got to be a cold. Sorry. Just deal with it. Or back up because *sneeze* I think I have a cold. "And of course everyone feels sorry for someone who is sick, 'cause that's just no fun."Do I wear by heart on my sleeve and my feelings are palpable? You tell me.And hopefully I'm (I think I am) willing to sit down and listen to someone else's problems or celebrate someone else's joys. And I thank you for reading this and listening to mine. You're too good.Am I a good actress? I have been told more times than I can count that thus is so, but of course, everyone who says that is nuts, right? But it's nice of them to say it and deep down I do enjoy acting. Do I prefer dramatic and tragic roles? Mostly, yes. :P Do I tend to walk around in character or muttering to myself in a English accent? Well, of course. I try not to be in character well anyone is around to see it but I sometimes get carried away and it's very embarressing to relize someone is staring at you wondering what in the world your doing because your mouth is moving and you look like your talking to someone and your hands are moving but there ain't anyone there and your not actually saying anything. Yeah, just to prepare you for this time when you catch me at this: you will have no idea what I'm doing (so don't even bother guessing) because I can be doing anything from making sassy remarks at Paul Colman to playing out what I'll do if our houseis broken into to acting out imaginary conversations between my friends and I. The possibilities are truly endless, and you'll never know what I'm actually doing at the moment you ask because you can bet your money that I'll just blush and say "oh nothing." My little ...moments are often peppered with English accents on and off. Or rather Owanian accents. Because there is no such thing as a English accent and any Brit who heard this accent would be insulted, the Aussies disgusted, etc. The only people who find it impressive are Americans and their vote doesn't even count, does it? So I say it is the Owanian accent and therefore it is.Do I need a audience? I don't know, I probably do and don't realize it. That will explain my need for the web, right?If I'm alone I'm uncomfortable? False."Oh, The Drama Queen LOVES church. Her favorite three favorite things about church are: 1. Youth group skits (she always plays the lead), 2. The annual Christmas pageant (she always plays Mary), and 3. The altar call (she always goes forward during the invitation for prayer for all her sicknesses or to repent of always stretching the truth). She also loves it when they ask if anyone wants to share their testimony because, hey, she loves to share hers."1. When you see a movie and say it's the best most fantastic movie you've ever seen in your entire life, no one believes you. You say that about every movie. Whatever! Is this true? In some respects no. I can't remember having done that in awhile, but my memory's not that wonderful so you judge.2. Every breakup is the worst breakup of all time, and you can't go on and will never be able to love again and...oh, who's the new guy on campus? True? I've never brokenup but breakingup sounds pretty unpleasant. Every date change for HWAG was pretty bad though.3. You think your life is over and your life has just begun in a span of ten minutes? It usually takes my life longer to be reborn I think.4. You religiously watch atleast two soap operas? I religiously don't watch any soaps.5. You dream of being a famous movie star one day--you're convinced that it's your destiny? Nope, I'm gonna be a rockstar, baby. :P"Oh the drama! It's ever so taxing on my sanity. It's like I'm a masochist. Some days I say, 'WHY?! WHY?! WHY?!'"The Airhead--Do I tend to stare off into space? Sometimes. I certainly am not as happy about my blunders as The Airhead. Would I be one to find something funny in odd things? Sure! I'm prone to snort at TV comercials, even the depression and Ford commercials. I died over the Down Under the Big Top clip on YouTube (really want to see that movie!) well my siblings hardly even smiled. *growls*Do my hobbies change weekly? I haven't really got any hobbies to change back and forth from. Airheads are always blonde? I don't doubt this. *crams imaginary fedora on head* Random: my skin as a medium dose of melanin (sp?) in it, my hair as a medium dose with some pigment, and my eyes have only a little bit of melanin in them and a little bit of fat also to make things interesting. Not enough eye excercises. *should go check up on her facts* Mostly pink shirts? Guess again! I would definitely have to classify Lou Costello as a Airhead. He's one of those people who don't relize that singing/talking to yourself means in your head not out loud. ("What are you doing?" "Talkin' to myself." "Talk softly." "But I gotta hear what I gotta say!") The description of the Airhead makes me look really good. Like you could put me in the same room with the china without fear. I think I like this chapter. But I am like the Airhead in someways, if you must know the waysthen get a copy of this book, read this chapter for yourself, and do some scientific guess work.1. You've lost your keys seven different times...today? Nope. I don't have a pair of keys to lose and I don't really go around losing stuff. *hears her sister walk through the room saying "where'd I put it?" and snorts*2. You have lost your car before? *blinks* I wonder how many people reading this book actually own cars...Or do they just assume that the Airhead will forget she doesn't own a car? *attempts to remember if she owns a car or not*3. You forget to return anything and everything you return from your friends? Maybe I don't go around borrowing things because of previous experience? *ponders*4 You repeat things constantly. Like if your thirsty, you'll tell your friends that your thirsty thirteen times in five minutes? I might. But judging from this blog post I don't think so. It's pretty long and it doesn't look like I've repeated anything. *highfives self*5. Staring off into space consumes a large part of your day, and you're okay with that? My little Brain Dramas take a large amount of staring time and basically no physical energy but I'm not okay with it. I mentally yelling at myself for being so lazy.The Girlfriend--Can not relate. Why would I want to relate to someone who seems so dull and boring in the first place? I haven't got a boyfriend and am not clingy. Or am I? Inform me of the bad news and you'll send me to SF. I'm not even going to into the "Am I her?" section because I'll my answers would be straight no's. I. Am. Not. The. Girlfriend.Vanilla Pudding--We have come to the last girl type. Congratulations for coming this far. It seems like this girl is the one Relient K wants to encourage us all to be. Nice and friendly and normal. (Heel!) Just nice and friendly and loving to everyone. There's no way to describe normal and average so I'll stop there.1. You have lots of guy friends, but rarely have a boyfriend? I can think of no male that I can label as friend.2. If you took a personality test, you would probably be a "Golden Retriever"? ...And they don't give us a link to this test so I have no idea.3. You are well liked by most other girl types? She sounds outgoing. Well, I'm well ignored by most other girl types. --JK. Such is a cruel thing to say.4. You shop at the Gap? I already said Goodwill. I think the Gap's style is somewhat boring though, or atleast, I think it's boring. Not sure.5. You like meat and potatos? Uhhh...potatos and better.
So, are we done? Nope! Plenty more to see. I'm going to skip the guy types but will saying: you mean the Mr. Wonderful I spotted in the bachlor section of church is really The Ape?! Shocking! :PThen there is a small, five-page Instruction Manual. Hmmm...interesting. Guys like to be asked out to the movies sometimes too? Hm. Won't all the conservatives freak. And com'on, Relient K, we already knew low risers were immodest. I suppose saying pants in general is too radical? Well, I'm saying it now. From my most unimportant perspective pants fall into two categories: sloppy and inmodest. Especially the tight ones. How do they make this things anyway? So much different from guys' pants. Clothes aren't just for covering but for hiding, pants cover (shorts don't cover) but they don't hide the shape. Manufactures long ago relized that there is a way to make clothes to draw attention to parts of the body that shouldn't necessarily be noticed to such a degree. Pants are one of those items, they have to be either really baggy and sloppy looking or they are in modest. *cough* Anyways. That was me talking not Relient K talking.
The next section of this book is called Girl Relationships. Sounds fascinating. *dives in* The first one is acquaintances, it appears that they are people you often run into and great with either a smile or a quick, "Hello? How are you?" and one way you can identify a acquaintance is by the fact that you know her first name but not her last name. *points at First Chair section* This way of identifying acquaintances doesn't really work for me but I can think of one. I run into her at the library sometimes, I can't remember her first name or her last--wait! her name is Diane. It's her last name I don't know but I tend to remember her by the odd name of Erhardt and she's over sixty. And you can usually find Kelly ruining his brain over one of the library's computer games but he doesn't count as an acquaintance.The Herd. I don't think I belong to any particular Herd and I can currently think of only one real and true Herd which is the After Church Culvers Herd, but since I've never done anything in this Herd I'm not actually sure they're a real and true herd. And they might not be because both genders partisipate. There is also the Herd I sometimes visit which is my younger sisters' Herd. And about the only thing they do is run around after church and talk or play games so maybe that's not exactly a Herd? But I think it is. (But let me tell you, Relient K, some Herds do sometimes indulge in political discussions, or even which AFV tapes are the funniest or how horrible braces are; who broke up and calorie counting are not universal topics.) Which brings us to the part of the book were Relient K informs us that Herds don't actually have a destination in mind they can just be gathered together to chat and gossip. At which point I now know that I belong to a Herdand know of two other Herds. Very nice. In blog/Internet world the Herd are the people you hang out with in chatrooms and Yahoo! Groups and YIM and are on the same forums.The Triangle. A pretty basic and apparently unfriendly relationship that includes three (tri) girls. Girl number one is the leader and girls numbers two and three like her but don't really like each other and have nothing in common but each as something in common with girl number one. Sounds nasty? I agree. Hopefully I'm not part of a triangle.The Dog/Owner relationships. I can think of two people with this "relationship" Kale and Eugenides, Kale is the owner and Eugenides is the dog. And this tends to explode into giggling fits between the two. Or else they only have this relationship when giggly. Because they're normally just friends not dog and owner. (Thank goodness.)The Nemesis. Why do all these girl relationships sound so dreadful? The Nemesis is a girl of the same type as you. And she wants to better than you at everything. A better reader, a better athelete, more punctual wants to be much more amazing than you... and still wants to be your friend. It's nuts, hopefully I'm not a nemesis. Hopefully.Campfire Girls. They're the ones that you are in a closed space with for a few days so you becomes friends ultra fast and stay friends to a few weeks after your turn apart and then you eventually forget what her favorite color is and you aren't friends anymore. Quite simply the Campfire Girl. I haven't got any of those because I don't make friends at camp (siblings tide you over for the weekend) and I didn't meet any nice girls at Lifest so...moving on.School Friends. So similar to The Herd that it's confussing, it also gets difficult if you're homeschooled, doesn't it? So, Relient K as written out a test to help us all determine who our School Friends are.Who do you eat lunch with everyday? Siblings.Who do you pass notes to during school hours? My siblings and I don't pass notes during school. I remember when I was eight or nine I had a friend (not close at all!) that passed me notes during church (or else it was during a church meeting, forget which). Until her Mom stopped her.Who shares a locker with you? Cleo (4yos) shares a dresser with me.Who is in three or more of your classes? Two of my siblings share my science "classes" and most of my siblings share my history "classes." So that mass this another "none."Who participates in your after school activity? What is my after school activity anyway!? None, I usually use my iTouch for awhile after school.Who do you talk on the phone with or email atleast once every week? Talk none, email none...I do usually give or recieve a blog comment to or from Alyosha atleasr once a week.Who stayed over at your house last month (or you stayed over at yours)? Th last time I got invited anywhere? I've haven't been invited anywhere in the last six months I'm sure. Probably more than that. Any of my friends been to my house in the last month? *racks brain* I don't think anyone's been here except the heating guy.Who do you ride to school with? I don't ride to school with anyone. My sibling and I ride to places together though. Like church or the store...Who do you secretly tell which guy you think is hot? No one.Who has seen you cry? Siblings.So now I look an circle the names that appear more than three times. No one appears more than twice? Wow. School Friends in the blog/Internet world are the ones you jump on when they enter chatrooms and the ones who's blogs you visit daily (but don't always comment).Sistas. They're the lifelong friends. The Herd gets together occasionally under one common goal. The School Friends enjoy doing things together, the Sistas are like real sisters. Relient K gives us eleven ways (even though they said they were only going to give us ten) in which Sistas and sisters are similar (or identical) as the case may be. You eat at each other's houses, you call their mon "Mom", you share clothes, and you spend holidays at their house eating their turkey dinner or go on vacation with them instead of your own family. Wonder of wonders, I have no Sistas.Next is the Best Friend. (And someone tell me what a BBF is, please.) Relient K doesn't tell us alot about the BF but it does inform us that you can't have Sistas without School Friends and you can't have A BF unless you have Sistas. It's a logical cycle. Blog/Internet world: you best friend is on all the same forums as you, you read and comment one each other's blogs constantly and you speak to each other once everyday with YIM, GTalk, AIM or one of the others. You email and PM each other constantly and you probably know her full name, birthdate, and everything else there is to know about her.
Girl and Guy Relationships. The Celebrity crush comes first. It's that person that you can't get, the guy across town who already has a girl friend, Orlando Bloom, or maybe even Michael Jordan. You know everything there is to know about this person, see all of his shows or have all of his music, etc. etc. The obvious man for me is Peter Furler. But let's get something straight. I don't "want" him, not only is he several decades older than I am and married I just don't. I have no romantic feelings towards him. He's more like role model, okay? But let's see if he fits the bill as a Celebrity Crush.1. You have more than three of his webpages bookmarked? No. I onlyhave Newsboys.com bookmarked. But I do have web addresses fixed in my head, newsboysdeluxe.com and shinemedia.de/newsboys.2. His name is written multiple times on the back of several of your spiral notebooks. Yes, probably. I doodle alot and so my papers are covered with hearts, unsymetrical shapes, song titles and lyrics (*looks at the "Sun Star Moon" written beside her*), and random scribbles.3. You don't know him well enough to pick up the phone and have a conversation with him? True. I don't know any males that well. 'Sept my dad and brothers.4. You have developed a website for him or you moderate his fan club message board? Nope. Unless you classify my HSBs current blogposts as such.5. His face his the background picture for your computer desktop or cell phone? That's true more often than not.6. You write him letters or emails about how much you like him, but you never send them? Sort of, I do want to send them a letter sometimes and I've written a "draft" of the letter and that's all.7. You know his current girlfriend and secretly despise her? Nope. I wish them a happy marriage for many more years to come.8. You won't admit it to yourself, but you know in your heart that he will never like you back? I'm sure (if we ever met) that he'd very graciously put up with me. Nothing more.9. He's the last thing you think about at night before you fall asleep as you imagine him calling out your name over and over and over again--even though he has no idea what your name is? *snorts* Nope. Paul Colman said my name once, he said "Great question, ---." Very thrilling.10. He is the first thing you think about in the morning? No. Not normally, unless I notice the song my iPod dock as awoken me too. And if it's a Newsboys song I might think of him.And I said yes to roughly six of those questions so PEter Furler is 60% Your Celebrity Crush The Rest of You Is Crushed By Chocolate.The Study Buddy is the guy your not attracted to but he's nice and you sonetimes enjoy hanging out and have fun when together. The Study Buddy I here because he's useful to the girl, useful for company or to drive her to work or help her cross the street or even to study with. The Study Buddy is not something I have.The Outfielder. Basically The Boyfriend In-Training. The guy who likes the girl (or else the girl like him) and they may eventually end up together. Maybe in six years, after the girl as analyzed him and decided if he's good enough for her. Tough luck.The Backup. He's the guy who's hanging out on the sidelines just waiting, he's The Shoulder. The one that the girl cries on when her and her boyfriend breakup. The one she does thing with when she doesn't have a boyfriend to do things with. The nice big brother kind of person. Neither of you are interested romantically.When your crushed on someone this is called Pre-Chem. The big question part of things, Does He...? Will he...? Why doesn't he look at me...? And sometimes there are exclamation points too, He smiled at me! He doesn't have a girlfriend! He's so cute! Ya know? One your turned into a period it's called Hooked. You're boyfriend and girlfriend respectively. One sign that your Hooked is if you can't hang up the phone. He says, "I need to go." She says, "Okay." He says. "Bye." She says, "See you tomorrow?" He says, "If not I'll call." Silence. He says, "You can hang up now." She says, "I can't It seems so rude!" He says, "Let's hang up together." She says, "Okay." He says, "Alright. Oooone. Twoooooo. Threeeeeee." Silence. He says, "Why didn't you hang up?" Etc. Etc. Etc. For atleast another ten minutes."If this as ever happened to you, it is a sure sign that you were (or are) Hooked." Which I found to be ridiculiously funny because the last two times I've talked on the phone hanging up took quite a bit of time...
And that is the last of it. Hopefully you'll go get a copy of this book. Hopefully.
A Perfect Gentle Knight by Kit Pearson. If you've never heard of it then die of shame and move to Canada immediately. If you have heard of it and never read it then go jump off a cliff from pure and unbearable shame and then move to Canada anyway. Or closer to a computer with Internet access. Though moving to Canada seems a good deal more noble. Of course I don't have any shame 'cause I've read it. Finally. Alyosha's fault of course, she read it first and where she leads I follow, correct? Not exactly. It had a nice cover and title. That helped, so it was only mostly Alyosha's fault. And a shout out to my Mother who bought the book in the first place (and on my request). Thanks, Mom! So yeah, go get your hands on a copy of this book and bask in it. Do it. I order you to. Now. Do it now.
Also recently read Just Ella. Not very good, that. And Car Trouble. Wouldn't recommend that either.
Ignore the fact that my spelling and everything else are a mess in this post. Library computer and I hace 7 minutes and 55 seconds left of my time! Ack!

Currently Listening--
Book: The Goose Girl
Artist: Shannon Hale


Kiwi da Fruit said...

The Newsboys have more than one movie?? Do you have any of them??? Such as... "Down Under the Big Top"? 'Cause I want to see that one, no matter how corny it may or may not be, how poor of a plot it may or may not have, or how bad the acting may or may not be.
Boy, Owan, you sure are fun to read! (even though the length of your posts probably breaks records for the longest blogpost ever :-) Like the muttering to yourself. I hate it when I start doing that! It ends up driving me nuts.

My friend had that book by Mark Whoever according to Relient K. It was years and years ago (probably about...4 years), I hadn't heard of Relent K. yet, and I thought it was just rather.. odd. I forget what he classified me as. If that could be borrowed...

You found The Goose Girl?!?!? Kudos to you, my friend. I love that book. Have you read the others in the series? (Enna Burning, River Secrets) or others by Shannon Hale? (Princess Academy, Book of a Thousand Days) I've read it three and a half times. Half of me wishes there would be a movie made of it, while the other half knows they would probably slaughter it. Maybe we could band together, write a script, and make a (shorter) movie of "The Goose Girl"? That would be interesting.

I forgive ya for the missunderstanding the other night. From now on, I'll introduce myself as Kiwi, or That Crazy Friend of Yours. :-P

Looking forward to Saturday night!! Was H.W.A.G. filmed after 'Stay Strong' (love that song!) and 'Fought the La' (love that one, too!) were added or before? I went very early in the GO tour, in early '07. I promise not to sing loudly AND obnoxiously off-key. Just loudly. ;-D

So how's this for a nice long comment? I think this is the longest. One last thing before I go: I LOVE that picture of da 'Boyz you have in the post below this! And I understand you read Tacogirl's blog, at least occasionally? What do you think of her template?

Okay, I'm really going now. Really.


P.S. Was our phone conversation the other night one of the ones you mentiones in your 'long goodbyes' section? 'Cause I tend to do that sometimes because I keep remembering other things I want to say. Goodbye. Now.

CrimeSceneFairy said...

Sorry, Owan. I love your blog...seriously I do...but I really don't have time to read all that...:(
But realyl it amuses me how much you ramble. xD