The Sweetest People I Know

One of the, without a doubt, sweetest people I know is my grandmother.

I can't make a complete, ranked list of all the sweetest people I know but someone else who would make the list and have a up-there rank would be one of my guyfriends. He is definitely one of the sweetest people I know, and will remain nameless because I do not want to embarress him. :D

That is all. Back to my schoolwork.

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1 comment:

Kiwi da Fruit said...

You can't make a complete, ranked list?? Aw, come on, it's easy! Just put me at the top, then your grandmother, then this guyfriend of yours (whowhowhowho? I want to know.), then just stick the rest of the people you know in randomly. As long as I'm at the top. :) Becauth I'm thweet. *8^}

p.s. OR ELSE!