Downhere is Coming Down Here Tomorrow

Yeah...the title has nothing much at all to do with my post. Except that yesterday I got out my camera and took a bunch of pictures as a way of remembering how the thing works because I haven't used it since September. I don't want to arrive at the concert having forgot to turn the flash off or any thing. I was also tagged several months ago and was told to post six random things about myself. But I've done that particular tag a bunch of times so what I will do is just post one random thing for every picture I post. 'Kay?

(This is a picture of the Newsboys poster thing that my Mom printed off the computer in order to test the new printer. This was several months ago but I still have the photo hanging up.)

1. I want a pair of shoes like the ones Peter and Paul wore for Front Row Live (see YouTube, it was a great show. Fun and laid back--Peter wore cargo pants!) and Paul wore to SoulFest '08. Good stuff.

Free random thing: Duncan Phillips rocks.

(My 16GB iPod Touch named Pantagruelian, which looks scratched but isn't, and my unnamed Nikon Coolpix P50. I was listening to Your Love is Better Than Life when I took that picture.)

2. Watching Front Row Live, reading my Xanga post "Newsboys/Kutless/NewWorldSon Concert!", my July '08 journal entries, watching my Newsboys DVDs...uh...anything Newsboys (and Paul Colman) makes me happy.

(Spiderman with overalls and Spiderman without arms...will wonders never cease?)

3. Left-over garbanzo beans and left-over rice for lunch. What fun, eh?

(It's Pantagruelian again! Yay! And playing Fad of the Land (Lounge Mix) too!)

4. He Reigns is one of my all time favorite music videos ever.

(My 6yo brother playing with some legos. Said brother was in the stateline newspaper this week. 'Twas a photo of him turkey bowling. Yay.)

5. I currently adore the song Gloria (All God's Children) by Paul Colman. Especially this live version. What a voice.

(Gun loves my boots. That's why he's laughing. He finds them, brings them to me, and sits near me well he plays with them. Very cute.)

6. You guessed it: I have big feet. Size 11. What fun.

EDIT--Xanga is mean to my pictures. They've been butchered.


Blueh said...

Aww, I gotta admit, I'm jealous of Pantagruelian. XD He's so much newer-looking than my Squizzy. XD

netsirK said...

Wow. :O
Pantagruelian is awesome! And glad you got to watch the Front Row Live, it really was awesome! And yeah, I loved how laid back it was too.

Hey, nothing wrong with big feet! Mine aren't as big, I'm size nine, but I'm not tall enough for them so it's kinda funny. XD

CrimeSceneFairy said...

*reloads page *
*hits firefox *
*finally scrolls to the bottom of post *
Anyways about your Free random thing
I KNOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

Delaney said...

I just awarded you on my blog. :D