Grilled Cheese Sandwiches

About this time last week I had a interesting conversation with my little sister Grilled Cheese Sandwhiches, (she used to be Cleo, now she's this new name and only occasionally Ruby or Anna--GCS probably isn't allowed). Anyways. I was about ready to start cooking and this conversation took place:
Me: I'm going to make something amazing! I'll cough all over it but it'll still be amazing!
Her: Don't cough on it!
Me: Why? Are you scared?
Her: No, I just don't want you to cough on it.

She's four, BTW.

None of you guessed currectly on what was wrong with my last post. No, it wasn't one of the "misstypations" that Alyosha so kindly pointed out, it was just the fact that I accidently said "fifth" instead of "fourth" in the second paragraph... I thought it was obvious, ah well, I'm not complaining.

Because I like things to be orgaized and systematic:
I won't be doing tags on my blog any more. That's now going to be in Friends-of-Friends viewable notes in Facebook. If you're interested: keep an eye on my notes; if you aren't: why are you even reading this? :P

Um. That is all. Abyssinia.

Sent from my iPod


netsirK said...

XD What a smart little 4 year old!
No more tags? :O j/k I can understand that. I shall keep an eye on your notes.

CrimeSceneFairy said...

:D She sounds like Monk! :D
Humn. I started doing tags for the first few weeks I was blogging but then I just stopped and that annoys me so i'm trying to tag things and it's not goin' well because i've posted 420 times...approximately...haaaalp
Anyways Friends of friends can ready? So since i'm friends with Bluey I can ready? :D Yay me!