Horridest Horror of All Horrors

A little drama never hurt anyone, except, of course, scenery pieces falling and crushing people (like in the freaky Sherlock Holmes we watched the other week) or the theatre and opera ghosts or haunted stages that cause all sorts of trouble. Still, What Happened certainly ranks very low on the list of horrid things in life but it does make a moderately creative title, don't you think?

Last week (near the beginning of it) I finished biology. Did horribly but did finish which is a plus, maybe? I spent a lovely vacation week feeling guilty for not getting more accomplished. I am a little bit further in my Latin. (Think I can memorize this Grace Before Meals thingibobby? Me, neither.)

Anyways. Today was going to be Start Chemistry Day. Part of today's routine was Find the Chemistry Book and Solutions and Tests/Teacher's Manual Book. I went to look. I searched high. I searched low. I searched far. I searched near. I looked over and searched every box of books in the garage and scanned all the shelves, I searched the back of our bedroom closet (wow, cobweb-y in there), and in this corner, and over there, and...could not find it!

You understand, of course, that this did not produce any positive feelings. It would mean that I would get--horror!--further behind which strikes terror in my very plasma and bone marrow.

However, I eventually found it (in the file cabinet in the sunroom) and returned to my previously determined routine. I made my bed and then settled down to actually study chemistry. The first 13-14 pages are easy which is such a relief! Maybe I will survive this afterall, I sure hope so. :)

This ends my recess. I am trying to get a lot done this week so that I'll have a weekend! A weekend is a time without school and a chance to get non-school stuff done.

I know: yay. :P Remember when we were young and did nothing for days on end? :)


Kiwi D. Fruit said...

woohoo! Welcome to Chemistry. You should ignore all my disparaging remarks about it, because it really isn't all that bad, just....time consuming? I dunno.
Anywho, welcome. =) If you need any help, I've just been through (most) of the book, so let me know.

Kate said...

Sadly I would be more excited for you if Chemistry really were about chapstick and chapped lips.