Allemande Left to a Do-Si-Do

I never realized how much I rely on my dance partners until I had a partner who's right arm was out of order. It was a little difficult at first! There was no anchor of a person to hold onto. Oceanwaving and circulating became somewhat more difficult to manage. It was all new territory.

It is interesting to think how much smaller my bubble has gotten since I started square dancing. The whole holding hands, side hugs, yellow rocks thing is so much less foreign than it used to be. It isn't awkward any more.

At least, most of the time it isn't awkward but some people still haven't figured out that some things are just not appropriate. Most of the people I dance with are either friends and very normal, friendly adults, unbiological grandparents, or else super creepy old men who get too much of a thrill out of some things.

Old dude, you make me feel like a poorly dressed female in some sort of club. The fact that you said, "come here, baby" to me just earned you a ticket to any dance where I am not. Goodbye. Have a nice life.

Most people however are very friendly and sweet and it is nice to hang out with them. All the people who remember what my name is (even if I forget my badge) and tell me how good it is to see me. Besides my one armed partner, I danced with Kelsey and did not fail so dreadfully as the last time that I danced with her. I don't actually think that it was our fault that the square failed so miserably but it did fail pretty miserably.

...I'm tired of this post. Let me just conclude: I've figured out the Iowa wave for the most part! Except for the fact that I sometimes use the wrong hand and getting my glasses knocked off my nose during that move is not entirely unheard of.

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