Does anyone else keep a date book? I have this awesome, little purple one that I got at Staples. (Short tangent: I love Staples!) I love how it helps me to remember dates and appointments. Some days are full of my lop-sided capital letters, what is happening and where I am supposed to be. Other days are devoid of engagements. (This week the only empty day is Sunday. Yesterday I had work, birthday, and softball; today I had work; tomorrow I have work, Thursday is Heather's birthday, the day after that I work, and Saturday I have a party and a square dance. It's not a full week--yay!)
Some of my days get really crazy, I think, but on the really crazy days, I feel like something usually happens and my day gets emptied out. When my day gets five or six things in it back-to-back I feel like some unforeseeable thing trots in and cancels three or four of those five or six things. It's funky.
Last Sunday was going to be a crazy day, when I tell you what Sunday was supposed to entail you might thing to yourself, "That is nothing!" but to me, emotionally at least, it was a lot.
The day was going to be church at 8AM so that we (Kelsey and I) could interview a couple of the church's newsletter, stay for first service and get home by 10:30AM. I would drop Kelsey off at home and go to work.
While I was working I would, if the volleyball players were going to play, bring Heidi to play and, since I was working, bring my proteges, too.
After the volleyballing I would bring Heidi home and sometime after that I would bring my proteges to Heidi's birthday party where my grandparents could observe my childcare skills. O.o
After the party, I would work for a few more hours (until 7PM) and then I would go to my home, sweet home and type out the interview from earlier that morning and send it off. And then, it would be bedtime, so I would go to bed so that I could get to work at 7:30AM in the morning without dying.
But, what one plans to do isn't always what one ends up doing is it? Instead of the above, this is the actual, historical happenings:
I got up a little on the late side on Sunday morning because my little sister had unknowingly unplugged my alarm clock when she was getting my laptop power cord. Still, Kelsey and I got to church a couple minutes before 8. Score! I do love to be "on time," as in, a couple of minutes early. My idea of what "on time" means is a little bit warped.
Let me just say, I know a lot of awesome people. :) It's pretty fantastic. I might even be willing to bet that I know more awesome people than anyone else. But who could be the judge of who knows more awesome people?
Anyways! I love church. How awesome is church? Very. Let me clarify this, how awesome is hearing God's word explained and preached? Very. And now we are on the same page.
On the way home Heather called me and informed me that the birthday party was canceled because the weather was forecasted to be not so great.
If you have a hired nanny and you get home from a Las Vegas a day early, tell your nanny you don't actually need her before she shows up on your doorstep ready to work. 'Kay?
This left my whole day devoid of activities so I watched Moulin Rouge with my sister. I had seen this movie before but Kelsey had not. I watched well looking at purses on Etsy. I was there to explain the hills are alive with the sound of music scene, it is one of my favorite scenes but it is a confusing one. Note: if you do not like sad endings, do not watch this movie. It has one of the saddest endings you will ever see.
Sometime later, after we'd eaten a little lunch and cleaned the kitchen, sometime around two o'clock, my family got home from church. I was outside, sitting in the grass, reading a book when they got home. The book was Spanning Time which is the diary of Elizabeth Yates, a twentieth century author. A book I have been slowly reading and enjoying very much. She is a wonderful writer. Even at eleven, when she started her diary, she was wonderful at prose.
Sunday was supposed to be Heidi's birthday party, she was disappointed when it was canceled, so I made the day better. I consented to driving to the volleyball courts.
I had every intention of playing but when I arrived and saw sweet, little baby sitting in the grass eating pureed food, every thought of playing vanished. So I sat and chatted and held the baby. Oh, baby, you are cute.
When it got to be 4:12AM and we were supposed to have left the courts at 4 we decided to go and get some ice cream instead of going home like we should. We stood in line for our ice cream for about a half an hour while the day went from a beautiful day to a it's-going-to-storm day. I'm sure I was a very unpleasant companion because I was starting to feel stressed, "Gotta get home, gotta get home, gotta get home." The storm was coming, I didn't really want to drive in it, and I expected to get a stern talking to when I got home for being a careless overseer.
Eventually we got our treats, I got a root beer float. I like floats better than ice cream cones and I figured a root beer float would be easier to handle well driving than a dripping ice cream cone. The float was most excellent but rather difficult to get up through the straw and into my mouth. :( Instead of inhaling it I actually tasted it. Points for me! :P
We left as soon as we got our ice cream (sometime after five o'clock) and went home. It started raining about ten minutes later. The rain was heavy but it didn't hail, for that I was grateful. My sister turned on the radio and weather warnings started planning, I asked for it to be turned off and it was. as grateful.
We drove for awhile, eating our ice cream and a couple minutes we got out of the rain. When we got home it hadn't even started raining! That was a relief, I was worried I was going to have to endure a lecture. About ten minutes after we got home it did start raining and hailing and generally being stormy.
I spent the rest of the evening reading my book. Also, eating supper.
My goal of writing a fairly long post about something I'm not always posting about: successful, no? :)
1 comment:
I don't think you missed anything.
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