Seven Friday Shorts

1. I am eighteen years old. I am potty training a four year old. Those two facts, side by side, just kind of tingle my funny bone. It's not something I'd have expected would happen to me.

Who knew it would be so hard to potty train? I need more patience. I keep feeling like I cannot win! It's frustrating on the one hand but on the other hand, I know, potty training is not accomplished overnight. I feel like I am so very close but still not able to get over the last hump. Second to last hump, I mean; night time training is still to go. We all know, night time training can take years and years and years. *sigh*

2. I went square dancing a couple of days ago. When I get home from work I either feel very restless or else very tired. Wednesday evening was a night with the former complex so I went square dancing. It wasn't too far away and two of my siblings went with me. I had an enjoyable time. I would like to go to this club again! During the duration of the event, I got to be part of a three-person couple! It was pretty swell. :) A guy and his wife were going to give us their square dance spot but neither me or Amalie know how to do the guys part so I was the left-hand, Amalie was the right-hand, and the guy stayed on as the guy. It was fun and surprisingly easy. :)

3. Tonight I was going to sit on the couch and watch the ol' Moulin Rouge with two of my sisters but instead several of my sisters are watching some strange movie with Randy Travis in it. I'm half-watching it and it makes very little sense. I do not understand how child abuse fits in. And, this guy, his spiritual criss is so ungrounded. This movie is weird and creepy! I don't recommend it, not that I am going to remember the title--hang on, I think it is called The Wager. Don't watch it. Okay?

4. This morning I turned off my alarm instead of hitting snooze. Oh, me, I am something of an idiot sometimes. I was fifteen minutes late for work. I don't wake up a couple of minutes before I am supposed to be at work, I wake up afterwards. That's how I roll.

5. Today I had a good day. I felt like today went well, a big turn around from yesterday! At one point, all of my proteges hated my guts. I think that signifies that I have nannied successfully.

6. Today I changed my ring tone to a little ditty that is called "Wondercall." Normally I like tones that actually sound like a phone and not a song but this one amused me. I like to keep things that amuse me close by. It's good to be amused regularly.

7. I am listening to Bon Jovi and the Rolling Stones, condensed by Glee. Glee is a group of very fine singers, let me say. Strange individuals with fine voices, that's Glee.

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