I'm seeing Finding Favor, a little band I've never heard of before. Perhaps I shall fall completely in love with them and boo after their twenty minute time slot is up.
I'm seeing Josh Wilson, I just recently realized that this is the guy who sings that I Refuse song, a song I really liked. I am now way more excited about him than I was before.
I am seeing Stellar Kart, I hope they sing some of their tunes off their Part of Your World EP. That would be pretty swell. Disney songs foreverrr! Also, I wouldn't mind if they played Life is Good, wouldn't mind at all.
I am seeing Building 429, I've seen them once before. I'm afraid I don't know their music (or any of these artists' music) very well at all. I know a couple of songs, but now very well. I hardly know Glory Defined any more. Glory Defined is, like, the very first radio song I liked. Looong time ago.
I am seeing Disciple...I might enjoy their concert. We'll see! I'm not usually into the dark and gloomy bands. The lead singer is in desperate need of a hair cut! ;)
I am seeing Jars of Clay, I know a grand total of two Jars of Clay songs, Flood and Carry Me. I am still interested to see the concert.
I am seeing Rebecca St. James, I saw her a couple of years ago at Lifest. So, questions: is she still going to sing that Wait for Me song now that she is married? Also, does she still co-tour with her brothers or are they on their own now? Or did they fade back into nobodies?
I am seeing Matthew West, somebody I am looking forward to! I saw the last couple songs of a concert he did just a couple weeks ago and I enjoyed that. I'm interested to see the whole thing. Is he going to do his Beiber thing? I've heard a lot of rumors about that.
I am going to see Tenth Avenue North, everyone is always saying how awesome these guys are. I hope they live up to my expectations! I know a couple of their songs thanks to the radio. I hope the ones I know are the ones they play. A concert is always nicer when you can sing along. ;)
And then--dun, dun--I am seeing Switchfoot. Okay, guys, if you are going to grow your hair out, please don't skimp on showers! It makes you look like a homeless dude who cannot afford a shower or a haircut. Not cool! Anyway. Looking forward to their concert, whether they look pretty or not. :P
...And before I leave (in two hours), I must dress, eat breakfast, drop the dog off at the vet, go to the bank, put away the laundry, wash the dishes, and...not forget anything.
Jars of clay is pretty good. Loved them haven't heard much before.
Disciple I loved years ago. Their older stuff is loud very loud but very good lyrics. "By God" is pretty cool lyrics for that type of style.
Switchfoot, I loved them a few years ago. Not sure why they look homeless.
Have fun
-Shawn Lynes (google reader is nice eh)
meant to say I haven't listened to Jars of Clay for awhile
Brace yourself: this is gonna be a long one.
I wish I could have gone, too!
Finding Favour: don't know them at all, other than that they spell their name with a 'u', the British way. I like that way. It's my Favourite way of spelling. ;)
Josh Wilson, I liked "I Refuse" for a while and now I'm not such a big fan of it. When I have favouriter bands who's music doesn't get played, and less favourite singers who's songs are played VERY often, I don't like the oft-played songs as well.
Stellar Kart!!!!!!!! I saw them YEARS ago, they were the first people I ever saw in concert! It was them, then Kutless, then Newsboys. I like Stellar Kart. I want to see them again.
Building 429 was great last year at FreedomFest. They were amusing, too. =)
Disciple...Yeah, I can think of a few of their songs. I used to love "Things Left Unsaid" when it was newer. Haven't heard it in a couple years now.
Jars O' Clay, Like them. =)
Rebecca St. James, she's okay. There was one song about 3-4 years ago that we realllly liked, then they stopped playing it, and I can't remember what it is now. "You Are Loved" maybe?
Matthew West--Like him. I still haven't come to terms with my stupidity in waiting for the ride instead of watching the whole concert. =P
10th Ave N. Nice. They'll be at my 100 Artist Dream Concert.
Switchfoot. Eh, why not? If I pay $40 to go see an assortment of bands, and they're playing, I'll go just to get my money's worth. And looks aren't everything, dearie! ;D
Did you get your list of things done in time? What did you forget? I ALWAYS forget something. Frustrating.
Hence ends the super-long comment. =)
Yes, it was "You Are Loved." I don't know HOW I remembered this time, since I never can other times, but I did.
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